The July sun is hazy over the harbour. The mild south-easterly wind comes from the same direction as its warm rays, sweeping across the river to the fish market. We have running water. Because of the narrowness of this part of the harbour, there is a swell here, chaotically spilling over and into each other.
Large and small waves flow against each other, joined by smaller ones that cheekily crest over them. I could stand here for a while watching the river dance.
#500CharAbstracts: Katherine R. Cook focuses on higher education in public #archaeology. She exposes problems involved in teaching it in the context of #postcolonial legacies and in neocolonial structures of oppression.
This article is part of a broader book about communicating the ancient past, published in 2020 at Ubiquity: Communicating the Past in the Digital Age.
#openaccess #postcolonial #archaeology #500CharAbstracts
#500CharAbstracts: Anna Riethus shows how playing an audio game during a museum visit can create an inclusive experience. The #NMsee app game combines an interactive story with tactile exhibits of the #Neanderthal Museum.
This article is part of a broader book about communicating the ancient past, published in 2020 at Ubiquity: Communicating the Past in the Digital Age.
#openaccess #neanderthal #nmsee #500CharAbstracts
#500CharAbstracts: S.N. Autenrieth & D. von Boekel investigate why the destruction of architectural #monuments and pictorial works always takes place at times of change in the UK, Mesoamerica, Germany, Afghanistan and Syria (past & present).
This article is part of a broader book about monumentality across ancient civilisations published 2019 at Transcript: Size Matters.
#zerstoerungswut #openaccess #monuments #500CharAbstracts
#500CharAbstracts: Heike Delitz and Felix Levenson discuss the social meaning of big architecture and the sociology of #monumentality. They compare nomadic architecture with medieval cathedrals and the cultic topography of Uruk.
This article is part of a broader book about monumentality across ancient civilisations published 2019 at Transcript: Size Matters.
#openaccess #monumentality #500CharAbstracts
#500CharAbstracts: M. Remmy presents his experience with the application of #geocaching software. Students of #archaeology and Digital Humanities jointly developed new games that led the user through modern-day Cologne and learn something about its past.
This article is part of a broader book about communicating the ancient past 2020 at Ubiquity: Communicating the Past in the Digital Age.
#openaccess #archaeology #geocaching #500CharAbstracts
#500CharAbstracts: Sierra McKinney, Sara Perry, Akrivi Katifori and Vassilis Kourtis introduce a multi-component digital kit for using learning environments in order to foster prehistorical empathy among young people for #culturalheritage.
This article is part of a broader book about communicating the ancient past 2020 at Ubiquity: Communicating the Past in the Digital Age.
#openaccess #culturalheritage #500CharAbstracts
#500CharAbstracts: Jens Notroff & Oliver Dietrich (@oliverdietrich) introduce us to #scicomm for archaeology, which they see as a chance instead of a chore: Creating a blog helped the project to react immediately to pseudoscience claims about their site of Göbekli Tepe and is therefore a worthy communications tool.
#openaccess #scicomm #500CharAbstracts
#500CharAbstracts: R. Bernbeck sheds light on the perspective of laborers of monumental architecture in Ancient #Mesopotamia. The logic of drudgery in production leads to a critical point of tension in large projects, nonetheless it’s working.
This article is part of a broader book about monumentality across ancient civilisations published 2019 at Transcript: Size Matters.
#openaccess #mesopotamia #500CharAbstracts
#500CharAbstracts: @Andrew_A_White discusses group mobility of hinter-gatherers. He uses an agent-based model to explore different factors influencing the mobility, that traditionally is based on lithic artefact distribution. His model shows otherwise
#500CharAbstracts: Federico Buccellati dives into the methodology of monumentality and touches topics of chaîne opératoire, #energetics, organisation, visibility, materiality and the reception of built environments as different ways of understanding monumentality.
This article is part of a broader book about monumentality across ancient civilisations published 2019 at Transcript: Size Matters.
#openaccess #energetics #500CharAbstracts
#500CharAbstracts: Mónica Pacheco Silva examines Oaxaca in the heartland of #Mesoamerica and draws a picture of an area with a completely reworked landscape, which is truly monumental. She underscores the important role of the natural environment.
This article is part of a broader book about monumentality across ancient civilisations published 2019 at Transcript: Size Matters.
#openaccess #mesoamerica #500CharAbstracts
#500CharAbstracts: ‘Women of Babylon’ is a book about the female image in Mesopotamia. I enjoyed reading it and learned a lot not only about women of the past, but generally about our construction of an interpretation of the past. One of the best books I read in a while.
Unfortunately, it is not cheap or even free, but if you are interested in Gender Studies, Mesopotamia or the constructed image of the past, this book is a must-read. Read more in my review:
#500CharAbstracts: Juan Hiriart developed a game, where you play the head of an Anglo-Saxon family learning about cultural meanings and traditions. He tested it with children in schools and discovered something new. The game was most successful when engaging with the children empathetically.
Read about his game, findings and results in this Open Access article, published by Ubiquity Press.
#openaccess #Archaeogaming #ComPDA
#ComPDA #archaeogaming #openaccess #500CharAbstracts
#500CharAbstracts: @ArchaeoBasti & H. Franzmeier show, how to get from excavation data to a #3DReconstruction for an exhibition. They showcase the visualisation with the example of Pi-Ramesse in #Egypt, capital of Ramesses II. This case is especially interesting as the remains of the city are not visible any more. Special strategies were needed to create an aesthetically and educationally sound solution.
The article is available as #openaccess.
#openaccess #Egypt #3DReconstruction #500CharAbstracts