No updates for the past several days, as I had some family stuff come up and didn't get much writing done.
Back in the saddle again today. 3 more pages tonight, but up until 1:30am again.
Writing about the MLC@Home: finished introduction, descriptions of the dataset, BOINC server components, Started the client description. Need some more graphs!
Current status: 102 pages.
Current chapter: 5 (23 pages long)
#thesis #50daysofwriting
Posting from my phone so a short update today.
Up to 99 pages now as I spent way too much time adding a table and creating a figure. Otherwise only minor edits.
But I did read the first few chapters of the Percy Jackson books with my youngest. No regrets. #priorities
#priorities #thesis #50daysofwriting
Tough to get anything done when I work my day job all day and have a family to take care of at night. But did finish out a section tonight which bumped the page count.
Current status: 97 pages (most from old proposal).
Current chapter: 5 (16 pages long)
Those who know me, know I've been struggling to write my #thesis . I want to get a draft done within the next several weeks, so I'm going to force myself to post here once a day for the next 50 days, with my progress. I hope the act of publicly announcing my progress will force/shame/hold me accountable for making progress.
Current status: 87 pages (most from old proposal).
Current chapter: 5 (6 pages long)