On September 3, 1953, Cat Women of the Moon debuted in the United States. Here’s some Susan Morrow art to celebrate!
#CatWomenOfTheMoon #ArthurHilton #SusanMorrow #MonsterMovies #ScienceFiction #SciFI #ScienceFictionMovies #SciFiMovies #SciFIArt #50sSciFI #SpaceAdventureFIlm #Rifftrax #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#catwomenofthemoon #arthurhilton #susanmorrow #monstermovies #sciencefiction #scifi #sciencefictionmovies #scifimovies #scifiart #50sscifi #spaceadventurefilm #rifftrax #art #movieart #moviehistory
#50sSciFi #SFFilms straggler...
I missed this one when I was on the 50s on my SF movie watch:
"Kronos" (1957)
This was actually quite a bit better than I expected, although definitely a genre 50s SF.
The premise is pretty dumb: Kronos has come across hundreds of light-years in an powerful saucer capable of resisting nuclear weapons, but needs to steal our electricity? You'd think that wouldn't really be a problem for them.
Turns out to be uploaded on YouTube:
On June 10, 1971, science fiction icon and star of The Day the Earth Stood Still, Michael Renhie died In Harrogate, United Kingdom.
R.I.P. (1909 - 1971)
#RestInPeace #RIP #MichaelRennie #TheDayTheEarthStoodStill #50sSciFi #Klaatu #SciFi #ScienceFiction #ColdWarThriller #SciFiArt
#restinpeace #rip #michaelrennie #thedaytheearthstoodstill #50sscifi #klaatu #scifi #sciencefiction #coldwarthriller #scifiart
On June 10, 1953, The Twonky debuted in the United States. Here’s some fan art!
#TheTwonky #ArchOboler #ScienceFiction #ComedyMovies #SciFiComedy #IndieFilm #50sSciFi #TCMUnderground #Svengoolie #CultCinema #RobotFilm #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thetwonky #archoboler #sciencefiction #comedymovies #scificomedy #indiefilm #50sscifi #tcmunderground #svengoolie #cultcinema #robotfilm #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 5, 1953, It Came From Outer Space debuted in the United States. Here’s some monster art to mark the occasion!
#ItCameFromOuterSpace #JackArnold #SciFi #Horror #SciFIHorror #50sSciFI #HorrorArt #MonsterMovies #BMovies #SonOfSvengoolie #3DMovies #3DSciFi #1950s #MonsterMovies #Art MovieArt #MovieHistory
#itcamefromouterspace #jackarnold #scifi #horror #scifihorror #50sscifi #horrorart #monstermovies #bmovies #sonofsvengoolie #3dmovies #3dscifi #1950s #art #moviehistory
THE BEAST FROM 20,000 FATHOMS - The Movie That Inspired GODZILLA
#BrandonTenold #BrandonsCultMovieReviews #50sHorror #50sScifi #TheBeastFrom20000Fathoms #HorrorFam #MutantFam
#brandontenold #brandonscultmoviereviews #50shorror #50sscifi #thebeastfrom20000fathoms #HorrorFam #mutantfam
On April 15, 2016, Cat Women of the Moon was riffed by Rifftrax. Here’s some Susan Morrow art to celebrate!
#CatWomenOfTheMoon #ArthurHilton #SusanMorrow #MonsterMovies #ScienceFiction #SciFI #ScienceFictionMovies #SciFiMovies #SciFIArt #50sSciFI #SpaceAdventureFIlm #Rifftrax #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#catwomenofthemoon #arthurhilton #susanmorrow #monstermovies #sciencefiction #scifi #sciencefictionmovies #scifimovies #scifiart #50sscifi #spaceadventurefilm #rifftrax #art #movieart #moviehistory
On March 28, 1952, The Day the Earth Stood Still debuted in Japan. Here’s some Patricia Neal art to mark the occasion!
#TheDayTheEarthStoodStill #ScienceFiction #PatriciaNeal #SciFiArt #50sSciFi #Retrofuturism #ColdWarThriller #50sMovies #ScienceFictionArt #PenDrawing #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thedaytheearthstoodstill #sciencefiction #patricianeal #scifiart #50sscifi #retrofuturism #coldwarthriller #50smovies #sciencefictionart #pendrawing #art #movieart #moviehistory
On February 15, 1957, Curucu, Beast of the Amazon debuted in Finland. Here’s some Beverly Garland art to celebrate!
#CurucuBeastOfTheAmazon #CurtSiodmak #BeverlyGarland #HorrorMovies #MonsterMovies #AdventureFilm #JungleAdventureFilm #50sSciFi #NaturalHorror #MonsterArt #MovieMonsters #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#curucubeastoftheamazon #curtsiodmak #beverlygarland #horrormovies #monstermovies #adventurefilm #jungleadventurefilm #50sscifi #naturalhorror #monsterart #moviemonsters #art #movieart #moviehistory
@MsReganBlack #50sSciFi - what are you picks? Here are mine:
#journeytothecenteroftheearth #earthvstheflyingsaucers #godzilla #theblob #TheFly #thisislandearth #invasionofthebodysnatchers #waroftheworlds #theincredibleshrinkingman #forbiddenplanet #thedaytheearthstoodstill #50sscifi
Ok, I am on nerculture server so here are a few nerd/geek/whatever interests & collections (in no particular order):
Running out of...
#stng #stos #gamera #daikaiju #angirus #godzilla #death #comics #sandman #LoveAndRockets #emilythestrange #pez #vampires #mannequins #classicdoctorwho #halloween #50sscifi #matchgame #universalmonsters #hammerhorror #nasa #lamps #beerlamps #cats #drag #pillsburydoughboy #goldengirls #dracula #addamsfamily #mac #womenshockey #socks #halloweensocks #throwpillows