A little bit late for floppy disk day, but here’s a still-plastic-sealed box of 5.25” floppies :D
Compatible with DOS 2 and up.
💾 #525floppyday
@eobet looking over all the posts today … feels kinda vinylish :) #525floppyday
for #525FloppyDay a Commodore #1541-II mod from times of abundant (and cheap) hardware supply: Black Modification with 2 red LEDs (they tend to shine into one another, so a black or metallic optical separator in between them is needed). poorly done (spraypaint) and i would'nt do it today anymore. but back then, cooool looking. best image i got stashed, but it gives the picture #c64
A small assortment. German Apple3-Disk; CP/M; a brutally scissored two-sided disk (ouch); a typical 130-block cracked-games c64 disk, selfmade sleeve for a demodisk, and the best unusual sleeve here hiding the label (cool:-/)
Happy #525FloppyDay ! :)
#retrocomputing (yeahyeah i need a decent camera)
Today is 5/25, or #525FloppyDay! In honor of it, here are some of my childhood disks complete with mismatched sleeves!
Nothing too exciting or exotic.