#52Frames #52Frames_EditedBySomeoneElse with the self portrait challenge
This was edited by Margaret Mish. Thank you Margaret for editing one of my photos for a second year in a row!
I'm ready to put on costumes and hang up Halloween decorations. Are you?
#52frames #52frames_editedbysomeoneelse
My photo for this week’s #52frames #Photography challenge was selected as one of their “52 picks”. Neat! https://52frames.com/albums/2023/week-33-black-and-white-minimalism/photo/27952
Choose for me! #Photography #52Frames #AbstractPhotography #ICM
#photography #52frames #abstractPhotography #icm
I can’t decide which photo to use for this week’s #52Frames challenge. The prompt is “abstract”. #Photography #Abstract #ICM
#52frames #photography #abstract #icm
“ Descendant of the Ancestor ”
First of all, I was not driving. Second, this was the most fun I've had taking photos in a while. I did long exposures as my partner drove us to a drive-in last week. I kinda felt like I was on a rollercoaster. This was taken at about 11pm.
#52frames #52frames_leadinglines
Last week's #52Frames challenge theme was "inspired by a framer" and I chose Erin Bradley's photo from the previous week. Mine isn't as fun as hers but I like what I was able to achieve using my black massage table and its cover as a backdrop. I'll put the link to Erin's photo in the comments.
The last two have been my best phots so far: Negative Space and Inspired by a Framer (tying to recreate this shot: https://52frames.com/albums/2023/week-17-one-light-source/photo/2649)
I haven’t posted my #52Frames pictures for a while. Here’s the ones for Details, High Key, and Low Key.
This is my first attempt at the Adamski effect. Now I want to try it some more!
#52frames_negativespace #52frames #adamskieffect
This was my alternate for #52Frames last week. The theme was ‘religion’ and in my religion, we consider Carrie Fisher to be one of our ancestors. She was our blessed rebel queen, our Space Mom, and our advocate for mental health.
For this version, I used a star aperture plate as a nod to Fisher getting her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame last month.
I was pondering how to express what religion feels like when I took this.
Legs. My photography prompt this week is #highkey. The white background one definitely is. What about the black background one? I was going for low key there, but I think the subject's too bright to qualify. In terms of a "key light" it might be high key as well, just with a black background? #highkeyphotography #lowkey #legs #52Frames #bnw #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography
#highkey #highkeyphotography #lowkey #legs #52frames #bnw #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography
I knew I had a reason NOT to use this for #52Frames last week: Because today is May the Fourth and Grogu wanted me to wait!
#52frames #maythefourth #maythefourthbewithyou #52frames_alternate
My photo for last week's #52Frames_OneLightSource challenge:
#52frames_onelightsource #52frames
Ah, 52 Frames, how I love that you make me leave the house and do something.
Blue hour shots last week. I went and stood on the nearby railway bridge and had a go. Here is the Earl of Beaconsfield (The Beaky) pub.
#cambridge #bluehour #52frames
“ 16. After the Rain – 52Frames – Blue Hour ”
I kept missing blue hour, but on Saturday I finally remembered to get outside. I liked the contrast of the yellow from the street light. #bluehour #nightphotography #52frames_bluehour #photoprojects #the neighborhood #nightstreets #SonyA7riv
#2023 #52project #52Frames #blue #night #PictureADay #Prints
#bluehour #nightphotography #52frames_bluehour #photoprojects #the #nightstreets #sonya7riv #52project #52frames #blue #night #pictureaday #prints