Hooray, I've moved from prose to formatting! WHAT a relief! #amwriting #AcWri #5amwritersclub
#amwriting #AcWri #5amwritersclub
You don't have to wake up at 5am to be a member of #5amwritersclub but it helps. It helps you learn the wizardry for time alchemy. The creation of time, the formation of time. The bending of time. All for more words to enter the universe. Time is very pliable for those purposes.
Come make time meaningless with me!
As of today, I am officially #amediting again. Let's take this book apart and build it back stronger. I'm building the bionic nature witch here. Time to do some engineering.
What are you tinkering with?
New month, same #5amwritersclub The moon is shining bright again. Actually made it to a Virtual Donut Party. Starting it all off right.
Join me today at 9 AM Central/ 10 AM Eastern for coffee ☕️ with — Jane L Rosen Author, Screenwriter, former Huffington Post Contributor. Let’s talk about her new release On Fire Island
#5amwritersclub #writingcommunity #books #Kindle #authorssupportingauthors #authorsofinstagram ##podcast #onewordwriterpodcast
#onewordwriterpodcast #podcast #authorsofinstagram #authorssupportingauthors #kindle #books #writingcommunity #5amwritersclub
Waking up for #5amwritersclub only to take a break for #bloomscrolling Usually each flower is an immediate favorite. But with my laptop screen set to easy-eyes mode, the colors are shifted and muted. And I do not feel the same electric buzz of attraction.
Are the flowers themselves any less beautiful? Their symmetry and pictorial textures remain intact. What is it about their colors that is so important to me for greater appreciation? What else would change with my changing perceptions? How deeply does appreciation need to dig to form a true love?
#5amwritersclub #bloomscrolling #dailywonder
Wrote a poem for #5amwritersclub and while I don't understand poetry at all, I can still appreciate it. And so I'm choosing to appreciate the line "grew legs from the primordial skirt."
Primordial will likely change. But the image I'm going for is there. What imagery have you conjured in your work lately? Share a line or two.
#5amwritersclub #amwriting #poetry
Good morning… grab your coffee ☕️ and let’s write ✍🏽 Never Write Alone Join me LIVE right now https://youtube.com/tishbouvier #amwriting #editing #writingcommunity #5amwritersclub
#5amwritersclub #writingcommunity #editing #amwriting
As important as getting words down on paper is, just as important to our writing lives is the moments we step outside, look at the stars and fill ourselves with the wonder behind those words.
Find your wonder. Fill your words.
#5amwritersclub #dailywonder #amwriting
@tishbouvier not enough bandwidth here to log in but love love love the early morning writing club #AmWriting #5amwritersclub
Write With Me LIVE — Never Write Alone 5am-7am Central ✍🏽 lofi music, live chat, writing tips and Pomodoro Sprints ⏳Let’s celebrate your progress 🎉 with one-word, one sentence, one paragraph & one page at a time. #5amwritersclub #amwriting
There's something about placing oneself in a place alone. People can be very nearby, but existing outside during a blizzard; waking at 4am and sitting near a dark window; standing in the center of a room meant for hundreds or thousands: all of these will give you a new sense of yourself.
What power do you feel in this solitude? What ideas do you have?
#5amwritersclub #writing #amwriting
Whatever it is you're avoiding, do it. If you want to be, be it by doing. Thinking about it is only going to get you 1% of the way.
And so I write.
I go through writerly cycles. Earlier this summer I couldn't write a thing. I couldn't even think of anything to write. Now I've got more ideas than I've got time to write. And the time I do have for writing, I'm writing around those ideas instead of leaping directly into the ball pit of words. This temerity doesn't get me any closer. And so I wait for the cycle to give me the bravery to play again.
What patterns do you notice in your own writing journeys?
#5amwritersclub Sometimes I want to join the 5am runners club or the 5am commune with trees club. Maybe someday.
Where would you be at 5am if not for the pull of words from your fingers?
What do you do in the between times? When you're letting the story marinate before it's ready to cook again?
This morning's struggle: spelling "genteel" instead of "gentille" (or "gentile," G-d forbid).
Rabbit rabbit
Welcome to August where we put our feet forward into another month of summer and discover what more we can grow in the sun.
Perhaps some words this morning. #5amwritersclub
#5amwritersclub When faced with the possibility of writing anything you want and checking a task off a list, which is the more enticing option? And what do you actually end up doing? These are the moments to ponder our internal motivations.