#ttrpg #5and5 Last games played
Next 5 Games: (Hopefully)
#ttrpg #5and5 #SwordsoftheSerpentine #TrophyDark #HunterTheReckoning #magetheascension #nexusmodernsorcery #OutoftheAshes #werewolftheapocalypse
Last gamesplayed
Next 5 Games:
#FadingSuns 4e
#ttrpg #5and5 #tinydungeons2e #wfrp4e #d #splittermond #Ironsworn #TheOneRing #DieVerbotenenLande #FadingSuns #root #schattendesdamoinenfursten
Last 5 games I've run or Played
#RuneQuest 6th ed.(Mythras)
#D&D 5th ed: Mystara
#Vampire 5th ed: Dark Ages
#Blades in The Dark
Next 5 games I want to run or play:
#Fading Suns Revised
#The One Ring 2nd ed
#ttrpg #5and5 #runequest #d #symbaroum #vampire #Blades #fading #the #DragonBane #theexpanse
Recently played/run
1. #VampiretheRequiem2e, in space!
2. #AvatarLegends
3. #D&D5e
4. #TheWildsea
5. #TroubledSkies - friend's game in dev
Want to play/run
1. #TROIKA (played once)
2. #YazebasBedandBreakfast (played once)
3. #DIE
4. #Ryuutama
5. #UnderHollowHills
#ttrpg #5and5 #vampiretherequiem2e #avatarlegends #d #TheWildsea #troubledskies #troika #yazebasbedandbreakfast #die #ryuutama #UnderHollowHills
@gherhartd C'est international, ce sont les 7 jeux de rôle qui ont le plus marqué ta vie de rôliste.
Le principe, comme pour le #5and5, est juste de se trouver des affinités communes en se présentant.
Veamos, #5and5 Últimos 5 jugados #TheBetween #Fate #CancionDeHieloYFuego #Kult #RastroDeCthulhu Quiero jugar #Die #BladesInTheDark #CourtOfBlades #Nahual #Spire
#5and5 #thebetween #fate #canciondehieloyfuego #kult #rastrodecthulhu #die #bladesinthedark #courtofblades #nahual #Spire
5 últimos juegos de rol que jugué y 5 que quiero jugar
1. Amar Temer Partir
2 la llamada de tuculu
3 se vos, nomas
4 todo lo sólido se desvanece
5 amargo y retruco
Quiero jugar
1 die
2 heart
3 Cantrip
4 blades in the dark
5 trophy (de Nuevo!)
Last 5 GM'd
ARC Doom
Delta Green
Dead of Night
Cthulhu Dark
Last 5 played
Call of Cthulhu
OSE (Dolmenwood)
WHFRPG (1st)
Leaving a link to the least known one in the bunch.
Just seeing the #5and5 #ttrpg thing!
Last month the HTML Wanderpus crew played a BUNCH of indie games, so there's lots to choose from!
(Some of the) last 5 systems played:
Ones we'll absolutely be playing in the future:
#5and5 #ttrpg #QuestRPG #tencandles #MouseGuard #glitterhearts #InSpectres #bladesinthedark #MorkBorg #wagonwheel #troika #BrindlewoodBay
I can get onboard for this #5and5 #ttrpg
Last 5 run or played:
5 Games I want to run or play:
#Tencandles (again)
#5and5 #ttrpg #QuestRPG #tencandles #BeamSaber #Fiasco #monstercaresquad #TalesFromTheLoop #heart #sleepaway #oldgods
#Introduction for the #TTRPG crowd: my #5and5
Most recently played:
1. #DnD5e (the frosty one)
2. #BitD (a crew of hawkers)
3. #Exalted Essence
4. #FateRPG (#VentureCity by way of #BNHA)
5. #MotW (my #SCP hack!)
Want to play 😩:
1. #MicroscopeRPG
2. #ScumAndVillainy (I've already played it I just want to play again)
3. #GlitchRPG
4. #ThirstySwordLesbians
5. #AliceIsMissing
#dnd5e #introduction #ttrpg #5and5 #bitd #exalted #faterpg #venturecity #bnha #motw #scp #microscoperpg #scumandvillainy #glitchrpg #ThirstySwordLesbians #AliceIsMissing
#ttrpg #5and5
Last 5 played/GM’ed:
Hope to play/run:
#bladesinthedark #DragonBane #Degenesis #bladerunner #theonering #ghostbustersrpg #talesfromtheloop #dnd #lonewolfadventuregame #runequest #5and5 #ttrpg
Last 5 played:
Last 5 DMed:
#Strzygi / #Wrights
Dream 5:
#5and5 #ttrpg #CityOfMist #RuinsOfSymbaroum #DragonBane #deadinspace #Earthdawn #werewolftheapocalypse #strzygi #wrights #DnD #friendshipeffortvictory #strangetalesofsongling #monsterhearts #taelsofheistyvixens #HeartsOfWulin #changeling
Greeting @dice.camp with my #5and5 #ttrpg👋
Last Played:
1. #ourhaunt
2. #dialect
3. #sign
4. #dreamaskew
5. New to #ttrpg and have only played these as one-offs
Interested in playing/learning:
1. #underhollowhills
2. #apocalypsekeys
3. #wanderhome
4. #thequietyear
5. #grandguignol
I'm mostly excited by games that intentionally support collaborative storytelling, relationship, and connection at the table, and am learning how to facilitate/guide those experiences as a healing practice ✨
#5and5 #ttrpg #ourhaunt #Dialect #sign #dreamaskew #UnderHollowHills #ApocalypseKeys #wanderhome #thequietyear #grandguignol
Just saw this #5and5 #ttrpg thing...
Last 5 systems I've ran/played:
5 systems I will/want to play in the future:
#5and5 #ttrpg #numenera #electricbastionland #TinyDungeon #bladesinthedark #OldSchoolEssentials #monsteroftheweek #godbound #WarhammerFantasy #callofcthulhu #QuestRPG
Last 5 GMed
#7thsea (with #honorandintrigue system)
Last 5 played
Next 5
Maybe others ;)
#fadingsuns #prophecy #esteren #qin #heritiers #dd5 #thesprawl #urbanshadow #tylestel #honorandintrigue #7thsea #jdr #ttrpg #5and5
Greetings, fellow gamers. I guess this is a pretty awesome way to introduce myself here.
Last 5 Played or Run:
1. Call of Cthulhu
2. Kult
3. Star Wars (REUP)
4. Mothership
5. Dungeons and Dragons
5 Games I Want to Play
1. Blades in the Dark
2. Heart
3. Symbaroum
4. Vaesen
5. Stars (or Worlds) Without Number
#5and5 #ttrpg #callofcthulhu #kult #starwars #mothership #bladesinthedark #heart #symbaroum #vaesen #starswithoutnumber
#5and5 #ttrpg #callofcthulhu #KULT #starwars #mothership #bladesinthedark #heart #symbaroum #Vaesen #starswithoutnumber
5 most recently played or run:
1. #DungeonsAndDragons
2. Yeah, that's all, so modules I guess...
3. #RiseOfTiamat
4. #StormKingsThunder
5. #LostMinesOfPhandelver
5 games I want to play or run
1. #AliceIsMissing (running soon)
2. #MonsterOfTheWeek (running from January)
3. #WanderHome
4. #TheQuietYear
5. #VampireTheMasquerade
#ttrpg #5and5 #dungeonsAndDragons #riseoftiamat #StormKingsThunder #LostMinesOfPhandelver #AliceIsMissing #monsteroftheweek #wanderhome #thequietyear #VampireTheMasquerade
Note: this was my first proper post, but I've just moved servers so I'm reposting it.
Since I'm a #ttrpg gamer, I'm going to join in here with my #5and5
Last 5 played:
#Whitehack (Transformers)
Last 5 run:
#OneDice (Goblins)
#MiniSix (zombie survival game)
#ODnD (original edition)
Next things 5 I would like to play or GM:
#Buffy (possibly via #MonsterOfTheWeek)
#ttrpg #5and5 #wfrp4e #SentinelComics #13thage #CthulhuDark #whitehack #OneDice #minisix #BasicFantasyRPG #odnd #Mausritter #pugmire #buffy #monsteroftheweek #callofcthulhu #overtheedge
5 most recent:
- Trail of Cthulhu
- Big Eyes, Small Mouth
- Saturday Morning Mysteries (Playtest)
- Moonlight on Roseville Beach
- Nerves of Steel
5 I want to play soon:
- Liminal Horror
- Good Society*
- Unknown Armies*
- Primal Quest
- Kunai Academy
*Plans are already in place