#BOLO for the Top Vulnerabilities of 2022, provided by #CISA in colaboration with the #5Eyes countries. You should have #patched all of these by now, and if not - GET TO IT!! #DoNotGetHacked #CyberAwareness #CyberDefense #BlueTeam
#bolo #cisa #5eyes #patched #donotgethacked #CyberAwareness #cyberdefense #blueteam
USA bans citizens who have been to prison from voting (citizens who have experienced state care)
If rump is convicted and sent to prison
He will not be able to vote in elections
Will be able to 'serve' as President
........ #5Eyes
"Security vulnerabilities in the standards—the protocols and software for 5G—ensure that vulnerabilities will remain, regardless of who provides the hardware and software. These insecurities are a result of market forces that prioritize costs over security and of governments, including the United States, that want to preserve the option of surveillance in 5G networks."
#BruceSchneier, 2020
As always great episode from the 2 nerds on how different countries including #5eyes and #israel builds offensive #cyber
#5eyes #israel #cyber #riskybusiness
🧵 4/5+
If you want a #5eyes comparison then i think the #UK is the only one that tried to make the number smaller for deaths.
…where's that clip of the infamous #DrNick
@kirt@aus.social @kirt@newsie.social @skua @irtapil@mastodon.social @irtapil@mastodon.online
It's worth noting that Proud Boys are a designated terrorist organisation in #5eyes partners Canada and New Zealand.
It may be unwise for Smith & Wesson executives to enter either of those countries.
@riskybusiness great interview on the same topic: https://pca.st/episode/aae49e46-ad25-4204-ad5c-b5762bd58f85
#5eyes and #CIA offensive #cyber capabilities. Remember this for the next China or Russia APT...
#Longcovid Resultate wurde auch in #Kanada Jahre vor der Öffentlichkeit verschwiegen, trotz früher Berichte über "Post Infektion".
Möglicherweise wurde das im Rahmen der #5eyes > #14eyes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes#Fourteen_Eyes zu verbergen gesucht, um die Öffentlichkeit nicht zu beunruhigen?
Auf jeden Fall: #Covid -Aktivitäten der 5Eyes gab es zu jener Zeit bereits, wie damals der #Guardian berichtete
#LongCovid #kanada #5eyes #14eyes #covid #guardian
Great to see you in the 'verse @norightturnnz !
Keep in mind Snowden's revelations on #5Eyes. Data gathered by spooks in US or Aus is just as accessible to GCSB as stuff gathered here. Thanks to GCSB Act, their data are all available to the ordinary cops. So (most common) foreign hosting can't protect you from local interest, but it can mean you and your data are covered by unfamiliar laws in other jurisdictions, with limited protections for your privacy and other human rights.
<Zynismus>They will probably also kill based on metadata</Zynismus>
Die sicherste Methode ist, IT-Infrastrukturen zu nutzen, deren Metadaten-Erzeugung wir
1️⃣. im Umfang genau kennen ➕
2️⃣. im optimalen Fall kontrollieren.
Ist es nicht unsere naive Mainstream-Kultur, die die Massen anleitet, Risiken offensiv zu ignorieren?
Trotz #Snowden bleiben wir ggü. GAMAM & Schlapphüten blind, taub & naiv
➡️ Neben #5Eyes & #NSOGroup profitieren davon auch #Autokratien & #Diktaturen wie #Iran.
#snowden #5eyes #nsogroup #autokratien #Diktaturen #iran
Hampton's comment willfully ignores what Snowden showed us about the NSA having access to much of this information via legally mandated back doors, which means GCSB has access too, via the 5 Eyes alliance (see the CutCutCut Films doco The 5th Eye). A shame Colin Peacock didn't mention that. Although I guess it wasn't directly germane to the focus of this MediaWatch story, which is about decentralizing social media.
#5eyes #CutCutCutFilms #The5thEye
Worum es sich bei den #5eyes handelt, das war nicht die Frage, das wusste ich schon. Trotzdem danke für den Link, das erweitert meinen Horizont dahingehend noch mal.
Ich frage mich aber, wie ich es verstehen soll, wenn in der #privacysec-Liste in einer Zeile z.B. "5-eyes" steht. Nehmen wir mal den Eintrag zu #LineageOS, da steht "5-eyes". Heißt das, dass ich mit LineageOS in den 5-eyes-Ländern deren Überwachung ausgesetzt bin, mit Ubuntu Touch, Sailfish OS etc. aber nicht?
L'Italia sta per farsi costruire il #CloudNazionale, infrastruttura critica per la sicurezza nazionale, direttamente dalle aziende USA (soggette al Cloud Act). Serve altro?
RT @SMaurizi@twitter.com
entrare nei #5Eyes significa essere parte integrante del programma di sorveglianza di massa della #NSA. E' questo che vuole nostro Paese?
RT @SMaurizi@twitter.com
grazie ai file top secret di #Snowden, sappiamo che #Italia è parte dei #14Eyes. Grazie ai cablo della diplomazia USA rivelati da #WikiLeaks,sappiamo che Italia prova almeno dal 2010 ad avere accesso all'intelligence dei #5Eyes
#5eyes #wikileaks #14eyes #italia #snowden
@SierraKiloBravo Austrailia & NZ have some friends. Our kind has fought this battle before, may God noy require us to again.
.@KimDotcom and others discuss illegal spying in New Zealand and elsewhere #NSA #GCSB #5EYES #AntiSpyBill https://t.co/3a7BNks3ow
#nsa #gcsb #5eyes #antispybill
NSA appears to have illegally targeted @kimdotcom by exploiting its #5EYES relationship with New Zealand https://t.co/LeJZMeA34J