Just finished installing the #Netgear #WiFi 630 6E #AXE7800 and can't say enough how much better my home network is by separating out the 2.4gHz, 5gHz, and #6gHz bands.
Those awful 2.4 devices that can't (won't) do #5gHz go on their separate radio and SSID - no longer causing issues with 5gHz devices bouncing down to 2.4 and never back up to 5.
Also, the 2.5mbps #backhaul of this device is amazing! REALLY helped my #network devices. No more #AppleTV buffering issues, and #iOS devices just FLY!
#netgear #wifi #axe7800 #6ghz #5ghz #backhaul #network #appletv #ios
Update: gave up and now going to try some #smartplug which explicitly advertises support for #5ghz. Sigh.
Is Your 5GHz Connection Not Appearing in Windows 11? Try These 7 Fixes (via ErikT on #mobitopia)
#mobitopia #mobile #windows #wifi #5ghz
I'm so glad that I bought two packs of stubbies to outfit my #WiFi #Pineapple and the #5Ghz add-on. It's so much smaller without the larger #antennas and for my use case works just as good!
#wifi #pineapple #5ghz #antennas
Wer gerne die eine oder andere überschüssige Gehirnzelle verlieren will:
#router #wlan #5ghz #5g #schwurbler #Leerdenker #querdenker