"Bursdagen inneholder derimot ikke 20 små plastleker som alle er verdt under femtilappen. Barna savner ikke gavene, da de ikke er vant til noe annet, og foreldrene er glade for å slippe gavestresset."
#NorskTut #Allheimen
#miljø #klima #MindrePlast
#5Rs : #reduce
#Norsktut #allheimen #miljo #klima #mindreplast #5rs #reduce
@LibreTexts As one involved in entirely #Libre (aka #FOSS) educational software & #OER your pervasive use of NC puts me off - our organisation only adopts #OER with a 'free cultural works-approved' license (NC is incompatible)... I wonder what your organisation's trying to achieve with that restriction? That license practice, combined with your proprietary software dependence, makes me question how you can say you're truly a #libre & #open org or promoting the #5Rs.