29 December is the #5thDayofChristmas, and the feast of #StThomasofCanterbury.
There are a number of #medieval #songs for St Thomas, but very few from the #earlymodern period, as his cult was outlawed during the #Reformation.
Here is Clangat Tuba, an early #Tudor #carol for his day from the #Ritson #Manuscript (BL Add. MS 5665)
#ThomasBecket #histodons #histodon #Tudors #earlymusic
#5thdayofchristmas #stthomasofcanterbury #medieval #songs #earlymodern #reformation #tudor #carol #ritson #manuscript #thomasbecket #histodons #histodon #tudors #earlymusic
RT @last_of_england@twitter.com
Today is the Fifth Day of Christmas. These Rings at Nowton, Suffolk aren't made of Gold, but they do surround treasures. A 15c English roundel of the Blessed Virgin and child, and in 17c continental marriage glass is the baptism of Christ.
#5thDayofChristmas #12DaysofChristmas
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/last_of_england/status/1608359437991055362
#5thdayofchristmas #12daysofChristmas