Dan (he/him) :twit: · @brass75
92 followers · 3534 posts · Server twit.social

For @Tweetfiction who seems to think I'm a man of mystery

1. I moved to Israel at 21.
2. I studied culinary arts and worked as a line cook.
3. The first big software project I undertook professionally was writing an HTTP server for an embedded system with no storage - everything ran from code/RAM.
4. I met a bunch of people IRL (including my wife!) via ICQ's random chat feature.
5. I should properly be addressed, in formal situations, as Sgt. Daniel Shernicoff (IDF Ret).


Last updated 1 year ago

Sheldon Chang 🇺🇸 · @sysop408
3090 followers · 1895 posts · Server sfba.social

• One summer I lived with a drug dealer, a convict out on parole (for drug & manslaughter charges), a homophobic gang member with an underage girlfriend who had a fake ID that allowed her to work as a nude dancer, and a gay man dying of AIDS and his large boa constrictor. We somehow all ended up renting rooms in the same house at the same time. Believe it or not, we got along great and had a good time except for that one time when the dealer's supplier threatened to come back with "his boys" to teach us a lesson, causing the ex-con to panic and load his Glock so he could shoot anyone who came to the door.

That should fill all five of my slots, but just to oblige the format...

• I wrote my first web page in 1993.

• I owned one of the top 3 search results in several search engines for "Healthcare Internet" in the late 1990's to early 2000's.

• I once met Steve Wozniak and Kevin Mitnick over dinner at a hole-in-the-wall restaurant.

• I can write backwards in cursive.



Last updated 1 year ago

- I joined the 25 Jan 2011 Revolution in Egypt, I was in the streets when Mubarak resigned.
- Took me 8 years to get an engineering degree, but I got to do the project in Germany.
- I co-founded a local game dev studio, we didn't make any significant revenues, but we demoed a VR game in 2016 when most Egyptians didn't know what VR is.
- I also joined another startup as a co-founder, lots of Egyptians still use the app till this day.
- I realized I'm trans at age 32.


Last updated 1 year ago

This is all @theolalfer 's fault.

- Survived a war that destroyed my planet, not like any of you have ever heard of it.
- Grew up on Earth (which is probably more on the confusing side) & survived it with most of my sanity intact.
- I've led three revolutions so far & may have inspired a few more.
- Killed a couple of queens because they were using their people as cannon fodder for their own personal glory.
- oh look we're running out of space. How did that happen?


Last updated 1 year ago

"The Eddie Show" 📷 🎧❤️ · @DemocracySpot
1356 followers · 24071 posts · Server mstdn.social

92/ Boffed a punk celeb beside the stage at a Berkeley co-op house party while a band, unknown then but everyone knows now, played.

75/ Tripped on mescaline during the Christmas assembly I MC'd in HS.

89/ Walked into a SE DC crack house to rescue a friend at 4 AM.

91/ Dared a guy who drew a gun on me to shoot, pointed to the middle of my forehead.

90/ Parked the car on the side of the road near Las Vegas, NM, stripped and walked into into the scrub with my camera.


Last updated 1 year ago

Freedom Baird · @freedom_baird
180 followers · 717 posts · Server mas.to
synlogic · @synlogic
211 followers · 2819 posts · Server toot.io


... that I will admit in a public toot


Last updated 1 year ago

MardraS · @MardraS
314 followers · 989 posts · Server mas.to

Obviously, “wild” is highly personal. K! So…
1. Got my first tattoo in an apartment kitchen by a co-worker, about 25 years later got the “coverup” by the same person when he opened his own tattoo Salon.
2. Spoke at the UN in NYC, next to and along with my son, on in 2017.
3. At age 40 left position as president of a National printing Co to pursue a writing career…. 1/

#worlddownsyndromeday #5wildthingsivedone

Last updated 1 year ago

D's lack of faith in humanity · @denniskoch
120 followers · 1445 posts · Server sfba.social

1. Travelled miles of underground drainage canals, just to see where they went
2. Acted in a number of short films including one that allowed me to travel a majority of Route 66
3. Rode my motorcycle to Las Vegas and back after only having ridden for about a month
4. Have raised a baby to near adulthood and she's pretty fucking awesome (I had a lot of help obviously)
5. Paid out of pocket for my mom to go to her Dr. so she could get disability after the state-selected disability doc didn't do their fucking job.

Runners up:
6. Twice left behind by friends when I joined the Army and then the National Guard
7. Have driven 1/2 way across the country (between KS and CA) multiple times and WA and CA a couple times (mostly pre-gps)
8. Named on a number of patents (but they are all software so it doesn't mean much)
9. Have crawled very far, very slowly (and you'd be amazed how much life there is in a square foot of Kansas plains in the summer)
10. Stayed friends with my ex-wife


Last updated 1 year ago

RememberUsAlways · @RememberUsAlways
1362 followers · 3326 posts · Server newsie.social

1 Joined the USN.
2 Jumped out of helicopters into the ocean.
3 Skydiving in Tijuana.
4 Amsterdam
5 Proposed to my wife in a hot air balloon.

Bonus Wild: Got married!


Last updated 1 year ago

Banjo · @MuttBanjo
382 followers · 794 posts · Server mastodon.hypnoguys.com

1. Been in a play based on real events - playing a guy who accidentally blew his girlfriends face off with a shotgun
2. Moved country... 4 times
3. Ran for a title knowing I had no chance of winning and still came 3rd
4. Got on stage in just a jock at a Porn Award show
5. Appeared in the credits for a video game


Last updated 1 year ago

Deer Witch, Cypress of Baths · @moss
444 followers · 1617 posts · Server wandering.shop

(my opinions):

1. Got my first tattoo without knowing the exact design before I arrived for the appointment.
2. Asked for psych help when I needed it, including attending a partial. hospitalization program. It helped SO much!
3. Drove to San Francisco once a month for years to work on a backyard speakeasy magic show.
4. Traveled to stay in a historical Italian prison tower with a then-flame.
5. Chose to protect my joy and elope with my partner, only telling family after.


Last updated 1 year ago

Deer Witch, Cypress of Baths · @moss
444 followers · 1616 posts · Server wandering.shop

(what other ppl react to version):

1. Lived and worked in Tokyo for 7 months
2. Shaved my head just because I wanted to
3. Crashed a wedding (just for some dancing, paid for a drink, tipped well, lied to the wedding planner about having gone to college with Lisa, then ran)
4. Been a dungeon class example volunteer
5. Climbed the ruins of a lochside castle in Scotland


Last updated 1 year ago

Win 🌱 · @Win
23 followers · 97 posts · Server mastodon.green

1. Interviewed Gonzo from the Muppets. He shook my hand and said I was 'very realistic'.
2. Played music in an appearance on children's UK TV programme Zingzillas.
3. Was part of a cultural exchange in Oman playing for a Morris dancing team on stage in Muscat and Salala. Paid spending money by the Sultan of Oman.
4. Was a relief worker in Azad Kashmir after the earthquake of 2006
5. Did an illegal dive in Scapa Flow, Orkney (not in the wreckages, that would've been stoopid)


Last updated 1 year ago

vfranken · @vfranken
32 followers · 176 posts · Server mastodon.nl

1. Went camping (solo) on my bike at age 14, 80 km from home in a single ride.
2. Started mountainbiking at age 16 after buying a bike with money earned with my first (parttime) job.
3. Applied for a job at the royal netherlands airforce at age 18 (but rejected the job in favour of my girlfriend who is now still my wife)
4. Quit mountainbiking and started hunting at age 23.
5. Quit hunting and started mountainbiking again at age 43. (OMG is this my midlifecrisis?)


Last updated 1 year ago

Jack · @Buster
745 followers · 1537 posts · Server woof.group

Sure. Why not?

1) I said yes to my ex-husband when he took a cock out of his mouth at an orgy to propose.
2) I led the campaign to have the Westboro Baptist Church refused entry to the UK.
3) I fractured my spine doing wheelies on a motorbike while drunk aged 17, and had to learn to walk again
4) I got sober aged 21 and spend 10 years in AA building capacity for young people in an organisation of old men
5) I was the youngest ever Mr Leather UK in 2019


Last updated 1 year ago

The Tal-Ox Principle · @HisNameIsOx
189 followers · 4108 posts · Server woof.group

Ok, I'll bite, I like this. It reminds me of the early days of social media.

1. Been the first reporter on a scene of my home country's most notorious unsolved hate crime
2. Helped locate an acquaintance who was high off his face and managed to escape an ambulance
3. Been in the chorus line of a workshopped musical
4. Put my life aside and moved abroad following love
5. Had sex in a well-lit, open parking lot


Last updated 1 year ago

Maggie · @Bluegrass_Nomad
144 followers · 313 posts · Server stranger.social

4. Parade police for a Mardi Gras krewe, clearing the path at the front of the parade, directly ahead of a second line.

5. Started rock climbing again, 12 years after I fractured my spine falling off a cliff.

Thank you @Tweetfiction!

This brought up so many great memories on an otherwise grumpy day. 😊


Last updated 1 year ago

Maggie · @Bluegrass_Nomad
144 followers · 313 posts · Server stranger.social

Ooooo, I want to play!

1. Hiked the Darien Gap. My passport got checked at a shack at the Panamian border but because it wasn't an official port of entry, there is no record of me ever being in the country

2. Civil disobedience arrest as part of a protest movement to overturn Citizens United

3. Drank homemade rakija with a stranger on a train from Serbia -> Montenegro. He found out I was from Kentucky: "so you know all about moonshine!" (I do)


Last updated 1 year ago

Dr. Nyri A. Bakkalian · @riversidewings
708 followers · 4094 posts · Server mstdn.jp

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. I've

1. Wandered into a forest full of landmines
2. Met the inventor of the MRI who has since been my model for humility in fame
3. Saw Richard Branson ride into downtown Beirut on a sofa in the plow of a bulldozer.
4. Played catch with flaming tennis balls.
5. Learned how to boobgasm.

Time to live.


Last updated 1 year ago