Aaron Rammy Vs Kevin Rahino ( Superstar Wrestling - Smash and Fight 2023 )
Original : https://www.flickr.com/photos/miguel_discart/53134859478
#2023 #60Mm #AaronRammy #AaronRammy(Wrestler) #Belgie #Belgique #Belgium #Catch #Charleroi #CombatDeLutte #CreatedByDxo #Dxo #DxoPhotolab #DxoPhotolab6 #E28-200mmF2.8-5.6A071 #EditedPhoto #FocalLength-60Mm #FocalLengthIn35mmFormat-60Mm #HighIso #Homme #Ilce-7c #Iso2500 #KevinRahino #Lutte #Man #Men #Messieurs #Monsieur #NoTitleChange
#60mm #aaronrammy #belgie #belgique #belgium #catch #charleroi #combatdelutte #createdbydxo #dxo #dxophotolab #dxophotolab6 #e28 #editedphoto #focallength #focallengthin35mmformat #highiso #homme #ilce #iso2500 #kevinrahino #lutte #man #men #messieurs #monsieur #notitlechange
Aaron Rammy Vs Kevin Rahino ( Superstar Wrestling - Smash and Fight 2023 )
Original : https://www.flickr.com/photos/miguel_discart/53132302060
#2023 #60Mm #AaronRammy #AaronRammy(Wrestler) #Belgie #Belgique #Belgium #Catch #Charleroi #CombatDeLutte #CreatedByDxo #Dxo #DxoPhotolab #DxoPhotolab6 #E28-200mmF2.8-5.6A071 #EditedPhoto #FocalLength-60Mm #FocalLengthIn35mmFormat-60Mm #HighIso #Homme #Ilce-7c #Iso8000 #KevinRahino #Lutte #Man #Men #Messieurs #Monsieur #NoTitleChange
#60mm #aaronrammy #belgie #belgique #belgium #catch #charleroi #combatdelutte #createdbydxo #dxo #dxophotolab #dxophotolab6 #e28 #editedphoto #focallength #focallengthin35mmformat #highiso #homme #ilce #iso8000 #kevinrahino #lutte #man #men #messieurs #monsieur #notitlechange
Cormac Hamilton Vs Aaron Rammy ( BodyZoi Wrestling - Invasion )
Original : https://www.flickr.com/photos/miguel_discart/53110648990
#2023 #60Mm #AaronRammy #AaronRammy(Wrestler) #Belgie #Belgique #Belgium #Bodyzoi #BodyzoiWrestling #Catch #Charleroi #CombatDeLutte #CormacHamilton #CormacHamilton(Wrestler) #CreatedByDxo #Dxo #DxoPhotolab #DxoPhotolab6 #E28-200mmF2.8-5.6A071 #EditedPhoto #FocalLength-60Mm #FocalLengthIn35mmFormat-60Mm #GardenOfViolence #HighIso #Homme #Ilce-7c #Iso20000
#60mm #aaronrammy #belgie #belgique #belgium #bodyzoi #bodyzoiwrestling #catch #charleroi #combatdelutte #cormachamilton #createdbydxo #dxo #dxophotolab #dxophotolab6 #e28 #editedphoto #focallength #focallengthin35mmformat #gardenofviolence #highiso #homme #ilce #iso20000
I'm a big fan of small telescopes and what can be done with them. What you've done with your Messier 16 photo is FANTASTIC.
I'm just not well set up for star photography, but I've done some #lunar and #planetary photography with small instruments.
The following photo of #jupiter was taken with an unmotorized #60mm refractor. The #yorick stacking software combined about 60 frames for the image. This was taken in 2010 when the SEB did one of its disappearing acts.
#lunar #planetary #jupiter #60mm #yorick
Nice image. I was just reading about your scope. Sounds like a flexible package.
I have just about the opposite type of refractor, a #60mm f/17 long (very long) focus refractor. It, like your scope, can deliver fine images, though I've only tried lunar/planetary photography. And I certainly cannot do the wide field photography you do.
Here's a shot of #Tycho through my 60mm using a stack of around 50 frames.
If you've ever wondered if the Moment lenses for smartphones are worth it, here's a throwback to a few years ago using a Pixel 2. The one on the left used the Moment telephoto lens.
#Photography #telephoto #60mm #ThrowBackThursday #Norway #shotonpixel #momentlens #royalpalace #Oslo
This one was a bit of luck but the more I look at it, the more I like it.
#omsystem #macrophotography #60mm #rust
Not totally satisfied with the choice of subject but not bad for my first attempt at still life #stilllifephotography #stilllife #getolympus #olympusomd #omdem1mii #60mm #notouchup
#stilllifephotography #stilllife #getolympus #olympusomd #omdem1mii #60mm #notouchup
Another photo from the same day. I don't know what species the #butterfly is but they frequently pose just right for us dumb photographers so there were several good ones like this!
#olympusomd #em10markii #60mm #highiso #insectphotography #naturephotography
#butterfly #olympusomd #em10markii #60mm #highiso #insectphotography #naturephotography
Old photo. The ISO was *way* too high but it still turned out well and it's one of my favorites from that day.
#olympusomd #em10markii #60mm #highiso #butterfly #insectphotography #naturephotography
#olympusomd #em10markii #60mm #highiso #butterfly #insectphotography #naturephotography
Fun little mantid, wouldn't hold still though!
#amateurphotography #olympusomd #em1markii #insectphotography #60mm #microfourthirds
#amateurphotography #olympusomd #em1markii #insectphotography #60mm #microfourthirds
I took dozens of shots of the head and body, thinking the flat wing would be uninteresting. Just before I packed up, I made one attempt at this. Now, I wish I'd taken the time to get it right because it was the best pic of the day! I think most people will like the left half the most but I prefer the veining of the brown. #MetalwingDamselfly #ExtremeMacro #photography #60mm #raynox #olympusomd #em1markii #macrophotopgraphy #damselfly #Neurobasis #chinensis #insectphotography
#MetalwingDamselfly #extrememacro #photography #60mm #raynox #olympusomd #em1markii #macrophotopgraphy #damselfly #Neurobasis #chinensis #insectphotography
Couldn't get the camera and the branch to hold still at the same time🤦♂️
#olympusomd #photography #em1markii #macrophotgraphy #focusstacking #insectphotography #aphids #60mm
#olympusomd #photography #em1markii #macrophotgraphy #focusstacking #insectphotography #aphids #60mm
I should have gone deeper on the #focusstacking but this was impromptu; I had a few minutes to kill before an appointment. It's not a great photo but the #textures are fascinating. #macrophotography #olympusomd #60mm #em1markii
#focusstacking #textures #macrophotography #olympusomd #60mm #em1markii
Just playing around with depth of field at this level of magnification. This is the edge of a US quarter so, uh, yeah, it's pretty small. #olympusomd #60mm #raynox #diopter #em1markii #macrophotgraphy #extrememacro
#olympusomd #60mm #raynox #diopter #em1markii #macrophotgraphy #extrememacro
the technicals of the photo are trash but Shawn Eastman somehow found this photo of mine and complimented it which felt pretty great! #orchid #photography #flowers #olympusomd #60mm #macrolens #em10 #em10markii
#orchid #photography #flowers #olympusomd #60mm #macrolens #em10 #em10markii