A freshly-extruded "60 Seconds of WIP." About netcat vs telnet, from "Run Your Own Mail Server." #60SecondsOfWip
New #60SecondsOfWip out!
It's a snippet from the Kickstarter-backed Afterword to Apocalypse Moi. Includes pie.
Today's #60SecondsOfWip is out! A snip from #ryoms, involving digestive malfunction.
tomorrow's #60SecondsOfWip recorded and scheduled.
Now the sky is turning black, so I guess I'll take a break from screaming at Apache and go watch the storm.
Scrambled to get tomorrow's #60SecondsOfWip recorded and uploaded.
Trying Wordpress' scheduling function for the first time. In theory, the episode will go live before I even wake up tomorrow. In practice, either it won't post at all or it will update once a minute until I wake up, log in, notice, and stop it. :flan_shrug:
"60 Seconds of WIP" -- me, reading one minute of text from a current project. Today, it's #RYOMS
Will I keep doing this? Only if it amuses me. #60SecondsOfWip