On June 29, 1962, Mr. Sardonicus debuted in West Germany. Here’s some original art to celebrate!
#MrSardonicus #WilliamCastle #GuyRolfe #HorrorMovies #Horror #60sHorror #HorrorArt #ExploitationFilm #HistoricalHorror #MidnightMovie #Art #PopArt #ModernArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#mrsardonicus #williamcastle #guyrolfe #horrormovies #horror #60shorror #horrorart #exploitationfilm #historicalhorror #midnightmovie #art #popart #modernart #movieart #moviehistory
On June 17, 1963, Tales of Terror debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s some Vincent Price art to mark the occasion!
#TalesOfTerror #RogerCorman #VincentPrice #SamuelZArkoff #Horror #HorrorMovies #ComedyHorror #AnthologyFilm #MidnightMovies #ExploitationFilm #60sHorror #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#talesofterror #RogerCorman #vincentprice #samuelzarkoff #horror #horrormovies #comedyhorror #anthologyfilm #midnightmovies #exploitationfilm #60shorror #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 9, 1961, Village of the Damned debuted in Belgium. Here’s some creepy kid art to mark the occasion!
#VillageOfTheDamned #WolfRilla #HorrorScifi #60sSciFi #60sHorror #TheMidwichCuckoos #ScienceFiction #SciFI #SciFIArt #HorrorArt #CultCinema #Art #MovieArt #FanArt #MovieHistory
#villageofthedamned #wolfrilla #horrorscifi #60sscifi #60shorror #themidwichcuckoos #sciencefiction #scifi #scifiart #horrorart #cultcinema #art #movieart #FanArt #moviehistory
On June 8, 2021, Die, Monster, Die! was screened at the Madrid Artistic Metropol. (and now I’m going to have that Misfits song stuck in my head all night …) Here’s some original Boris Karloff fan art!
#DieMonsterDie #DanielHaller #BorisKarloff #Horror #SciFi #60sHorror #60sSciFI #HPLovecraft #MonsterMovies #BritishFilm #MonsterArt #MidnightMovies Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#diemonsterdie #danielhaller #boriskarloff #horror #scifi #60shorror #60sscifi #hplovecraft #monstermovies #britishfilm #monsterart #midnightmovies #movieart #moviehistory
On April 14, 1968, Tales of Terror debuted in Madrid, Spain. Here’s some Vincent Price art to mark the occasion!
#TalesOfTerror #RogerCorman #VincentPrice #SamuelZArkoff #Horror #HorrorMovies #ComedyHorror #AnthologyFilm #MidnightMovies #ExploitationFilm #60sHorror #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#talesofterror #RogerCorman #vincentprice #samuelzarkoff #horror #horrormovies #comedyhorror #anthologyfilm #midnightmovies #exploitationfilm #60shorror #art #movieart #moviehistory
On April 13, 1961, 13 Ghosts debuted in Denmark. Here’s some original fan art!
#13Ghosts #WilliamCastle #Horror #HorrorMovie #60sHorror #HorrorArt #SupernaturalHorror #TCMUnderground #HauntedHouse #Art #PopArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#13ghosts #williamcastle #horror #horrormovie #60shorror #horrorart #supernaturalhorror #tcmunderground #HauntedHouse #art #popart #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
On April 2, 1982, The Fearless Vampire Killers was re-released in Italy. Here’s some original Sharon Tate art!
#TheFearlessVampireKillers ##HorrorComedy #VampireMovies #GothicHorror #Horror #HorrorMovies #60sHorror #BritishFilm #MonsterVision #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thefearlessvampirekillers #horrorcomedy #vampiremovies #GothicHorror #horror #horrormovies #60shorror #britishfilm #monstervision #tcmunderground #art #movieart #moviehistory
On January 25, 1963, The Raven debuted in the United States. Marking the occasion with some original Peter Lorre art!
#TheRaven #RogerCorman #PeterLorre #EdgarAllanPoe #GothicHorror #60sHorror #HorrorMovies #CultClassic #60sMovies #ExploitationFilm #PeriodHorror #FantasyComedy #AmericanInternationalPictures #Art #HorrorArt
#TheRaven #RogerCorman #peterlorre #edgarallanpoe #GothicHorror #60shorror #horrormovies #cultclassic #60smovies #exploitationfilm #periodhorror #fantasycomedy #americaninternationalpictures #art #horrorart
On February 23, 1963, Tales of Terror debuted in Denmark. Here’s some Vincent Price pop art to mark the occasion!
#TalesOfTerror #RogerCorman #VincentPrice #SamuelZArkoff #Horror #HorrorMovies #ComedyHorror #AnthologyFilm #MidnightMovies #ExploitationFilm #60sHorror #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#talesofterror #RogerCorman #vincentprice #samuelzarkoff #horror #horrormovies #comedyhorror #anthologyfilm #midnightmovies #exploitationfilm #60shorror #art #movieart #moviehistory
On February 13, 2008 Peeping Tom was screened at the Berlin International Film Festival. Here’s some original Moira Shearer art!
#PeepingTom #MichaelPowell #MoiraShearer #Horror #Slasher #HorrorMovies #HorrorFilm #HorrorArt #SlasherMovies #SlasherArt #60sHorror #CensoredFilm#Art #MovieHistory #CultCinema #CultMovies #CultFilm
#peepingtom #michaelpowell #moirashearer #horror #slasher #horrormovies #horrorfilm #horrorart #slashermovies #slasherart #60shorror #censoredfilm #moviehistory #cultcinema #cultmovies #cultfilm
On February 13, 2018 Night of the Living Dead was released on Criterion Collection DVD and Blu-ray. Marking the occasion with some original Duane Jones art!
#NightOfTheLivingDead #GeorgeARomero #DuaneJones #ZombieMovies #HorrorMovies #ExploitationFilm #60sHorror #ZombieArt #Art #FanArt #ClassicHorror #CultCinema #Drawing #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#nightofthelivingdead #georgearomero #duanejones #zombiemovies #horrormovies #exploitationfilm #60shorror #zombieart #art #FanArt #classichorror #cultcinema #drawing #movieart #moviehistory
On February 13, 2018 Games was released on Blu-ray. Here’s some Simone Signoret art on a Post-It Note to mark the occasion!
#Games #CurtisHarrington #SimoneSignoret #Thriller #Horror #HorrorMovies #PsychologicalThriller #60sHorror #QueerCinema #TCMUnderground #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #HorrorFanArt #MovieHistory
#games #curtisharrington #simonesignoret #thriller #horror #horrormovies #psychologicalthriller #60shorror #queercinema #tcmunderground #art #popart #movieart #horrorfanart #moviehistory
On February 12 1961 Mr. Sardonicus debuted in Denmark. Here’s some original art to celebrate!
#MrSardonicus #WilliamCastle #GuyRolfe #HorrorMovies #Horror #60sHorror #HorrorArt #ExploitationFilm #HistoricalHorror #MidnightMovie #Art #PopArt #ModernArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#mrsardonicus #williamcastle #guyrolfe #horrormovies #horror #60shorror #horrorart #exploitationfilm #historicalhorror #midnightmovie #art #popart #modernart #movieart #moviehistory
Brandon's Cult Movie Reviews: GAPPA: THE TRIPHIBIAN MONSTER
#BrandonTenold #BrandonsCultMovieReviews #Horrormovie #Horrormovies #GappaTheTriphIbianMonster #JapaneseHorror #60sHorror #HaruyasuNoguchi
#haruyasunoguchi #60shorror #japanesehorror #gappathetriphibianmonster #horrormovies #horrormovie #brandonscultmoviereviews #brandontenold
On February 8, 1965 The Strangler debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s a portrait of Victor Buono!
#TheStrangler #BurtTopper #VictorBuono #CrimeThriller #Slasher #TCMUnderground #HorrorThriller #ExploitationFilm #BMovie #60sHorror #Horror #HorrorMovie #HorrorArt #PopArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieFanArt #MovieHistory
#thestrangler #burttopper #victorbuono #crimethriller #slasher #tcmunderground #horrorthriller #exploitationfilm #bmovie #60shorror #horror #horrormovie #horrorart #popart #art #movieart #moviefanart #moviehistory
On February 6, 1970 Peeping Tom debuted in Madrid, Spain. Here’s some original Moira Shearer art!
#PeepingTom #MichaelPowell #MoiraShearer #Horror #Slasher #HorrorMovies #HorrorFilm #HorrorArt #SlasherMovies #SlasherArt #60sHorror #CensoredFilm#Art #MovieHistory #CultCinema #CultMovies #CultFilm
#peepingtom #michaelpowell #moirashearer #horror #slasher #horrormovies #horrorfilm #horrorart #slashermovies #slasherart #60shorror #censoredfilm #moviehistory #cultcinema #cultmovies #cultfilm
On February 3, 1965 The Virgin of Nuremberg (also released as Horror Castle) debuted in Paris, France. Here’s some Christopher Lee art to mark the occasion!
#TheVirginOfNuremberg #HorrorCastle #AntonioMargheriti #ExploitationFilm #60sHorror #ChristopherLee #ItalianHorror #GothicHorror #1960s #Horror #HorrorFilms #HorrorMovies #CultCinema#Art #MovieArt #MovieHIstory
#thevirginofnuremberg #horrorcastle #antoniomargheriti #exploitationfilm #60shorror #christopherlee #italianhorror #GothicHorror #1960s #horror #horrorfilms #horrormovies #cultcinema #movieart #moviehistory
On January 25, 1963 The Raven debuted in the United States. Marking the occasion with some original Vincent Price art!
#TheRaven #RogerCorman #VincentPrice #EdgarAllanPoe #GothicHorror #60sHorror #HorrorMovies #CultClassic #60sMovies #ExploitationFilm #PeriodHorror #FantasyComedy #AmericanInternationalPictures #Art #HorrorArt
#TheRaven #RogerCorman #vincentprice #edgarallanpoe #GothicHorror #60shorror #horrormovies #cultclassic #60smovies #exploitationfilm #periodhorror #fantasycomedy #americaninternationalpictures #art #horrorart
On January 7, 1964 The Awful Dr. Orloff debuted in Japan. Marking the occasion with some original fan art!
#TheAwfulDrOrlof #ScreamsInTheNight #JesusFranco #HowardVernon #Horror #HorrorMovie #HorrorArt #SciFiArt #60sMovies #60sHorror #TCMUnderground #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theawfuldrorlof #screamsinthenight #jesusfranco #howardvernon #horror #horrormovie #horrorart #scifiart #60smovies #60shorror #tcmunderground #movieart #moviehistory
On December 4, 1963 What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? debuted in Spain. Marking the occasion with some original Victor Buono fan art!
#WhatEverHappenedToBabyJane #RobertAldrich #Horror #CultMovies #CultCinema #Thriller #60sHorror #MidnightMovies #HorrorArt #VictorBuono #BlackAndWhiteArt #PenDrawing
#whateverhappenedtobabyjane #robertaldrich #horror #cultmovies #cultcinema #thriller #60shorror #midnightmovies #horrorart #victorbuono #blackandwhiteart #pendrawing