#OnThisDay #60YearsAgo Dr #MartinLutherKing wrote #LetterFromBirminghamJail, which The Atlantic later published. It’s always worth rereading but now seems particularly appropriate.
#onthisday #60yearsago #martinlutherking #letterfrombirminghamjail
#60YearsAgo today the final test of the Saturn I's first stage, Saturn SA-4, launched from @NASAKennedy. The uncrewed suborbital test flight was successful, paving the way for tests of the second stage.
#60YearsAgo… Chubby Checker was teaching us yet another new dance. Actually, does the limbo count as a dance? Or it is more like a reverse high jump? Why isn’t the limbo in the Olympics?
How low can you go?
So far Chubby had taught the world The Twist, The Hucklebuck, The Pony, The Twist (again!), The Fly & Slow Twist. That’s an insane number of dances!
“Limbo Rock” is a charming little cha-cha that repeats the word “limbo” until it loses all meaning, and it’s a 7.