@moorejh Typing from magazines felt so good! It was actual free software and you learned a bit of programming or how things work to use on your own programs. I had a #C64 back in the time and in my magazine of choice there was a section "20 liner" where readers could publish there own 20 lines of code. I couldn't believe what good software you can create with only 20 lines. Amazing! #commodore #64er #programming #basic #retro
#retro #basic #programming #64er #commodore #c64
While cleaning up ice I’ve found #64er #Sonderheft 31 which featured the famous SMON (Sound Monitor) by @Chris_Huelsbeck. It’s times like this I wonder whether it’s worth trying to relive those old memories.
Old Computergame-Sounds remixed.
#commodore #64er #c64 #c=64 #amiga #electro #keyboard #sound #music #sounds #musik #game #pc #spiel #spiele #computer #synthesizer
#synthesizer #computer #Spiele #Spiel #pc #game #musik #sounds #music #sound #keyboard #electro #amiga #c #c64 #64er #commodore