adding these to the bot template some time today:
def hideHashtags(text):# [](#hidehashtags), content_type=text/markdown
return re.sub(r'(#[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', r'\[\]\(\\1\)', text)
def spongeCase(text):# LiKe tHiS
d = 0
o = ""
for c in text:
if d == 0:
d = 1
o += c.upper()
d = 0
o += c.lower()
return o
def erraticFormatting(text):# randomly switch between markdown formattings
o = ""
m = {
'0': ['\n# ','\n'], # headings
'1': ['\n## ','\n'],
'2': ['\n### ','\n'],
'3': ['\n#### ','\n'],
'4': ['\n##### ','\n'],
'5': ['\n###### ','\n'],
'6': ['**','** '], # bold
'7': ['*','* '], # italic
'8': ['***','*** '], # bold italic
'9': ['\n> ','\n'], # block quote
'10': ['\n>> ','\n'], # nested block quote
'11': ['\n>> # ','\n'],
'12': ['\n>> - ','\n'],
'13': ['\n>> 1. ','\n'],
'14': ['\n- ','\n'],
'15': ['`','` '],
'16': ['```\n','\n```'],
'17': ['\n>> `','`\n'],
'18': ['\n69. ','\n'],
'19': ['\n420. ','\n'],
for a in text.split():
r = m[str(random.randrange(len(m)))]
o += "%s%s%s" % (r[0], a, r[1])
return o
#hidehashtags #python #bot #420blazeit #69nice