'#ChristianNationalism' is missing from the #CapitalRiotReport
#CapitolRiot #6Jan #insurrection
Both #atheists & believers are fed up with #Christofascists
#ChristianNationalism #capitalriotreport #CapitolRiot #6Jan #insurrection #USAShitShow #atheists #Christofascists
'#ChristianNationalism' is missing from the #CapitalRiotReport
#ChristianNationalism #capitalriotreport #CapitolRiot #6Jan #insurrection #USAShitShow
If you haven't heard already, the committee unveiled 4 criminal referrals for Trump
#finalpublicmeetingontheinsurrection #6Jan #capitolriotpanel #JamieRaskin
If you haven't heard already, the committee unveiled 4 criminal referrals for Trump
#finalpublicmeetingontheinsurrection #6Jan #capitolriotpanel
@emptywheel @pbump This WAPO article is so good, I thought it deserved to be a gift!
Here is the whole article as a gift link (no paywall) from my WAPO subscription, so everyone who wants can get the deep dive. (I love data).
Normies, normie news get it the message of
Meltdown: #Trump Caught Sending Apparent #Threat To Attorney General After #MarALagoSearch
#CheetoCorleone sent an ally with access to the #DOJ to "pass along a message" to Attorney General #Garland that "the country is on fire" and Trump is willing to ...
#PayAttention #trump #threat #MarALagoSearch #CheetoCorleone #doj #garland #farrightkooks #violence #6Jan
Search warrant at #JeffreyClark s home
#JeffreyClark #JAN6 #6Jan #Inssurection