I've just thrown this little page together…


I'll probably get rid of it once the backburning is passed, but this is the raw data along with the current conditions. The current conditions update each minute (self-refreshing).

I might see if I can get a chart going on it, the data's there.

Data flow is from the data logger → mesh → CoAP proxy → WideSky back-end → → JSON files to be served up by

The pyhaystack script runs from `cron`.

#6lowpan #pyhaystack #openhttpd

Last updated 1 year ago

Okay… got the thing awake. I've flashed it with full-thread device firmware so it won't go to sleep… it's running on a bench supply so it won't run out of power.

I'll tweak some settings on here, see if I can get minute-by-minute samples of the air quality.

The CC2538-based device is pushing data via a network to a server which proxies the request to a HTTP back-end. is plotting the output.

#6lowpan #coap #grafana

Last updated 1 year ago

J. Manrique López · @jsmanrique
45 followers · 3056 posts · Server mastodon.social

RT @medialab_uniovi@twitter.com

La semana pasada, en la última reunión del grupo de , recibimos la visita de Matías Kippke, que durante casi dos horas estuvo compartiendo el proyecto de comunicación inteligente del Ayuntamiento de Gijón basado en el protocolo .

🐦🔗: twitter.com/medialab_uniovi/st

#lpwan #6lowpan

Last updated 3 years ago

https://purl.org/rzr# · @rzr
259 followers · 1627 posts · Server mastodon.social