I bought two #6mm 7 Years War armies from Irregular miniatures. One Russian and one British/Hanoverian to complement a friend who already has Austrian (could be French at a push) and Prussian. They're pretty rough sculpts, going to need a lot of flash and other moulding artefacts removed before I can prime them. #MiniatureGames #wargaming
#6mm #MiniatureGames #wargaming
Time to go back to 1742 and the Battle of Chotusitz. Prussians versus Austrians using the Twilight of the Sun King rules. Unusual rules that have no firing or melee. You just make morale rolls. It's quite a good set of rules, although the shock of rolling 3 on 2D6 and watching a unit being removed is quite bad. Worse when it happened twice to me and then my entire wing ran away. We used my friend's freshly painted 6mm irregular miniatures. Wrote it up here: https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/309873/dk-games-played-2023-wargames-heavy?itemid=10027314#10027314 #wargames #6mm
Y'all I need more sci-fi miniature wargaming blogs to add to my RSS reader. Cool models, battle reports, scenery, any scale (though bonus points for sub-28mm).
Links please. Doesn't have to be yours.
#wargames #wargaming #warmongers #miniatures #minipainting #miniaturepainting #miniaturewargaming #6mm #10mm #15mm
#wargames #wargaming #warmongers #miniatures #minipainting #miniaturepainting #Miniaturewargaming #6mm #10mm #15mm
6mm scale space ships and killer robots are surprisingly cute and satisfyingly quick to paint. (Especially when you make a decision not to go nuts on them.) #warhammer #adeptustitanicus #Titanicus #aeronaticaimperialis #6mm #wip
#warhammer #adeptustitanicus #Titanicus #aeronaticaimperialis #6mm #wip
Over the last few weeks I've been working on rebasing a 6mm ImagiNation project I started years ago, sold, bought back, and finally making some progress!
Update on my blog: https://blog.belisarius.org.uk/2023/03/6mm-imagination-project-update.html
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations # miniaturepainting #6mm
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #6mm
Tonight's session was brought to you by Żubrówka vodka.
Basing finished.
Flags finished and mounted.
Quote pleased with these.
Bit of tidying done as well. May have a brief return to the 28mm RSM next.
Working tomorrow... 😕
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #miniaturepainting #6mm
Tonight's session was brought to you by Gordon's Gin. Again.
More basing done as painted the extra command needed for the next Wild Geese unit.
And lots of teeny ickle flags done...
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #miniaturepainting #6mm
Tonight's session was brought to you by Gordon's Gin.
Finished basing on SSM Shiny French FPW Marines for Ayton.
Some quick flags for the 6mm. Bit rough but fine for 6mm.
More basing.
Prepping extra figures for Clare Regiment by changing cuff colour and adding command.
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #28mm #6mm #miniaturepainting
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #28mm #6mm #miniaturepainting
Tonight's session was brought to you by Gordon's Gin. More 6mm in progress. And rebasing of shiny C19th bits for Ayton in May.
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #miniaturepainting #6mm #28mm
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #miniaturepainting #6mm #28mm
Tonight's session was brought to you by a solitary bottle of San Miguel. Flags finally mounted on a couple of 'French' type units. The flags (slightly different) on the Savage Swan brigade, and some grenadiers and light troops finished.
More flags still to paint...
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #miniaturepainting #6mm
Something finished! Not enjoying the photo taking part of mini painting today lol
This little scene started out as an experiment with water for a different mini, then inspiration struck and I had some fun. Calling it Negotiations with the Kraken
#MiniaturePainting #6mm #EpicScale #eldar #WarhammerCommunity
#miniaturepainting #6mm #epicscale #eldar #WarhammerCommunity
Tonight's session was brought to you by another post dog walk sneaky half.
First cavalry based.First light troops started and some more grenadiers. And looking at artillery basing. DBx should require 60x60 but I may just put limbers/wagons on another 60x30...
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #miniaturepainting #6mm
Tonight's session was brought to you by a nice G&T. And maybe a sneak half at the local.
Lots of basing today. 8 stands finished. Started on the flags for them. Might redo the white ones...
And sample base for how I'll probably base the cavalry...
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #miniaturepainting #6mm
Tonight's session was alcohol free. Back on diet so being sensible.
Lots more 6mm stuck to bases. And a few more extra command painted.
And another batch in to soak.
Need to decide how I'm going to base artillery...
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #miniaturepainting #6mm
Tonight's session was brought to you by Russian Caravan tea and a nice chat with @Dice_Dad on Discord.
Another 4 bases of 6mm put together. Lots of flags needed.
And primed and the flesh done on the first lot of RSMs.
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #miniaturepainting #6mm
Tonight's session was brought to you by yet another shitty day at work...and Gordon's Gin.
Altefritzenburgers finished and based. And a redcoat unit with extra command matched in and based up.
Still can't summon up courage to mount flags.
And next lot of RSM cleaned up ready
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #28mm #6mm #miniaturepainting
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #28mm #6mm #miniaturepainting
Tonight's session was brought to you by a shit day at work and too little alcohol to compensate...
Flags done for the three Swan units completed.
Next unit of Altefritzenburgers in progress.
Next lot soaking for rebasing...
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #miniaturepainting #6mm
Tonight's session was brought to you by red wine and a rather depressing cup final...
Finished the 3 battalions of the Savage Swans. Need flags next.
Next lot of Altefritzenburgers prepped.
And some of the already painted stuff I need to match the extra command to.
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #miniaturepainting #6mm
Tonight's session was brought to you by assorted Red wine...
More 6mm faffery. Bit done on bases and another unit painted. Still getting 6mm eye in.
#wargaming #c18th #imaginations #miniaturepainting #6mm