On Sale Date: January 17, 1974.
#GerryBoudreau (2 of 2).
#AlbertoGiolitti (21 of 33).
#gerryboudreau #albertogiolitti #70scomics
Most of Spock's actions make no sense. Late in the story, for instance, he sneaks aboard the ship to steal something. He clobbers a crewman. In the end, we learn that the command crew were working with him all along. So... why attack the other guy? The story is full of stuff like this.
5️⃣ That's before we even talk about the idea of miniaturising an entire planet and its population!!
On Sale Date: February 15, 1973.
#ArnoldDrake (2 of 21).
#AlbertoGiolitti (16 of 33).
#arnolddrake #albertogiolitti #70scomics
On Sale Date: December 5, 1972.
#SteveEnglehart (7 of 33).
#SalBuscema (14 of 35).
#steveenglehart #salbuscema #70scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
#Marvel #CaptainAmerica #158 (1973) - 6/10
A fun read.
1️⃣ #TheFalcon goes after The Viper.
2️⃣ A villain who poisons the heroes and leaves the antidote lying nearby! 😆 Only in comics. Also worth noting, this antidote apparently gives Cap superpowers!?!
3️⃣ Some of this issue is a straight-up repeat of the last one. Falc visits Morgan the crime boss. Again. For no reason.
On Sale: November 7, 1972.
#SteveEnglehart (6 of 33).
#SalBuscema (13 of 35).
#marvel #captainamerica #thefalcon #steveenglehart #salbuscema #70scomics #cmro #completemarvelreadingorder
On Sale Date: October 10, 1972.
#SteveEnglehart (5 of 33).
#SalBuscema (12 of 35).
#steveenglehart #salbuscema #70scomics