FINALLY!! An AMD 7900XTX white!!
Now I totally don't need it, but it does fit the aesthetic of my build!
@gpuopen Q: When are you going to fix the random crash to black screen issues on #AMD #Radeon #7900XTX?
Cuz it's extremely frustrating for users like @fuchsiii when their #Linux-compatible #GPU is less reliable than the shitty #GMA500!
Espechally since we're talking about a €1k+ GPU and not some shitty Voltari Z11 / SiliconMotion SM750-based VGA card that is being sold for €10 with shipping on Aperzon!
#gma500 #gpu #Linux #7900xtx #radeon #AMD
Oh, oh, oh, das wird teuer:
Roman Hartung (der8auer) hat gerade ein ziemlich dickes Ding bei den neuen #AMD #Radeon Grafikkarten ausgebuddelt:.
Die neuen RX #7900XT/RX #7900XTX haben ein extrem fieses Kühlungsproblem mit ihrer #VaporChamber.
#amd #radeon #7900xt #7900xtx #vaporchamber
Roman Hartung (der8auer) hat gerade ein ziemlich dickes Ding bei den neuen #AMD #Radeon Grafikkarten ausgebuddelt:
Die neuen RX #7900XT/RX #7900XTX haben ein extrem fieses Kühlungsproblem mit ihrer #VaporChamber.
#amd #radeon #7900xt #7900xtx #vaporchamber
#AMD is in trouble: #der8auer found out that the #7900XTX card vapor chamber appears to be faulty resulting in extreme temperatures and throttling. The reasons for the problem are still unclear and it could be anything from faulty design to material or manufacturing faults -
@gamingonlinux This issue is not present in non-#reference designs like #XFX's #Merc310 #7900XTX which has a completely different and smaller #VapourChamber which is only setup as a #shim to redistribute the heat evenly onto a classic #heatpipe-block...
#heatpipe #shim #vapourchamber #7900xtx #merc310 #XFX #reference
@gamingonlinux Extensive Testing by #der8auer / #derBauer "Roman" actually relvealed that the #VapourChamber in #reference designs is horribly #underfilled with fluid als laying down the GPU does fix the #HotspotTemperature issue of the #7900XT & #7900XTX in a repeatable manner...
Sadly, those #ChonkyGPUs are way to #thicc to be mounted in such way in #pizzabox-style cases like the #FractalNode202...
#fractalnode202 #pizzabox #thicc #chonkygpus #7900xtx #7900xt #hotspottemperature #underfilled #reference #vapourchamber #derbauer #der8auer
For those of you that are proud owners of a brand-new #AMD #Radeon #7900XTX, I wrote a nice how-to on Reddit to setup your card(s) with #Manjaro / #Arch -based distros. You can find it here:
#arch #manjaro #7900xtx #radeon #amd
Wochenrück- und Ausblick: Eine RTX 4090 für 12.400 USD und die neuen RX 7900 XT(X) #7900XTX #7900XT #TheWitcher3NextGen
#7900xtx #7900xt #thewitcher3nextgen
Wochenrück- und Ausblick: Eine RTX 4090 für 12.400 USD und die neuen RX 7900 XT(X) #7900XTX #7900XT #TheWitcher3NextGen
#7900xtx #7900xt #thewitcher3nextgen
Less than 50FPS in #cyberpunk2077 1440P With RT.
For more than 1K€ ! WTF ? #7900XTX the only one is the 4090 @ 2K€ for ridiculous performance.