Deception murder in Hong Kong
Ticket to ride
Love letter
Secret Hitler
Anyone who says monopoly needs to take a serious look at themselves.
#7boardgames that I love:
1. Everdell
2. Terraforming Mars
3. Wingspan
4. Quacks of Quedlinburg
5. Lords of Waterdeep
6. Dune Imperium
7. 7 Wonders ✨
#7boardgames to know me
7 Wonders
Trivial Pursuit
Let's go:
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation
...Is it too early into learning it to say Sleeping Gods? I've been playing it nonstop this past week
5 Minute Dungeon (so much fun and easy to learn)
Small World (great accessible conquest game)
Descent (D&D Light)
Sentinels of the Multiverse (cooperative comic book hero game)
Gloomhaven (heavier d&d light)
Smash Up (deck-building combat card game)
Boss Monster (8-bit card game: play the anti-hero!)
#7BoardGames to get to know me
1. #CastlesOfBurgundy
2. #Hive
3. #LoveLetter
5. #CuBirds
6. #IsleOfCats
7. #Viticulture
#7boardgames #castlesofburgundy #hive #loveletter #quacksofquedlinburg #cubirds #isleofcats #viticulture
#7BoardGames ? This is a stretch. I'm not one for games.
#7BoardGames is a thing now?
1. Scrabble (obviously)
2. Buccaneer (bit like Monopoly, but you're a pirate)
3. Escape from Atlantis (hop off a disintegrating island and hope the sea monsters don't eat you)
4. Lost Valley of the Dinosaurs (treasure seeking while dodging dinos and an erupting volcano).
5. Escape from Colditz (the original version)
6. Operation (brilliant when you're old and too tipsy to properly operate)
7. Pictionary (I've pulled muscles from too much laughing)
You want to know more about me? Again, seven is way too few, so these are likely to change at a twitch.
Castles of Burgundy
High Society
Kanban EV
Rajas of the Ganges
#thisiswhyicantafforddrugs #gamedev #boardgames #7boardgames
Oh, fun! #7boardgames to know me by:
1. Agricola
2. Bohnanza
3. Wingspan
4. Powergrid
5. Pandemic (legacy)
6. Ghosts Blitz
7. Roads & Boats
1) Lands of Galzyr - Persistent open world and choose-your-adventure. Cute animal folk.
2) Cosmic Encounter - Asymmetrical PvP
3) Betrayal at the House on the Hill - Asymmetrical PvP
4) Duke - Abstract chess-like game with some amount of randomness
5) Isle of Cats - ...You herd cats
6) Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2e - Well-made tactical encounters, and asymmetrical PvP
7) Time Stories - Time traveling mystery
1) Lands of Galzyr - Persistent open world and choose-your-adventure system. Cute animal folk.
2) Cosmic Encounter - Asymmetrical PvP
3) Betrayal at the House on the Hill - Asymmetrical PvP.
4) Duke - Abstract chess-like game with some amount of randomness.
5) Isle of Cats - It's a game about herding cats.
6) Descent: Journeya in the Dark 2e - Well-made tactical encounters, and asymmetrical PvP.
7) Time Stories - Time traveling mystery.
1) Lands of Galzyr - Persistent open world and choose-your-adventure system. Cute animal folk.
2) Cosmic Encounter - Asymmetrical space conquest.
3) Betrayal - Exploration, mystery and asymmetrical PvP.
4) Duke - Abstract chess-like game with some amount of randomness.
5) Isle of Cats - It's a game about herding cats.
6) Descent - Really well-made tactical encounters, and asymmetrical PvP.
7) Time Stories - Time traveling mystery.
I'm not really a #boardgamer but the spousal unit is and he owns around 1,500 #boardgames so I've had my share of #boardgaming in my life. Thought I'd jump into the #7BoardGames to Know Me bandwagon.
Short version:
1-7 Power Grid
Long version:
1. Power Grid
2. 7 Wonders
3. Viceroy
4. Raiders of the North Sea
5. Roll Player
6. Ingenious
7. Tsuro
There are others I enjoy more but I can't for the life of me remember the titles. 🤷🏽
#boardgamer #boardgames #boardgaming #7boardgames
#7boardgames to get to know me:
1. DnD
2. Dominion
3. Azul
4. 7 Wonders
5. Dogs
6. Anno Dominii
7. Wingspan
#7BoardGames to get to know me!
1) Lands of Galzyr
2) Cosmic Encounter (+Duel)
3) Betrayal at the House on the Hill (+Legacy)
4) The Duke
5) Isle of Cats
6) Descent: Journey in the Dark 2e
7) Time Stories
Veo que ahora le toca al tag #7JuegosDeMesa #7BoardGames
Los mios, mas o menos en orden:
Imperial Assault
Lords of Waterdeep
After the virus
Star Realms
The Island
Pandemic: Reino de Cthulhu
#7juegosdemesa #7boardgames #juegosdemesa
Honestly the #7boardgames thing for me is probably 1. Mastermind 2. Cluedo (Colonel Mustard, babeeee) 3. Trivial Pursuit (with a family rule we were each allowed to answer “Ron Barassi” to sports questions three times, otherwise the game would never end), 4. Scrabble (I will never defeat my parents), 5. Barricade 6. Risk (but only if Connect 4 doesn’t count) then 7. Ticket to Ride as first major Eurogame
Oh, fun!
#7BoardGames to get to know me (sort of? My favs change all the time and I find it hard to rank things)
In no particular order:
- Above and Below
- Sub-Terra
- One Night Ultimate Werewolf
- Settlers of Catan
- Forbidden Desert
- Ankh-Morpork
- Dobble
#7BoardGames to get to know me (in no particular order)
1. Formula D
2. Tulip Bubble
3. Bushido Duels
4. Betrayal at the House on the Hill
5. Robo Rally
6. Princes of Florence
7. Shogun