LIVE 8/2/23 8:00pm EST REVELATION REDPILL Wed Ep23 The 7 Churches Cont. #WAKEUP! Urgent #PropheticWarning. Last week we dove into the first 3 of the #7churches of #Revelation, tonight we continue our study with Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, & Laodicea. We will dive into the hidden meanings of the letters written to these churches in a way you have probably never heard. Christ's promises and warnings to the 7 churches were a fantastic shift from how God dealt with his people in the Old Covenant. Join us tonight for an explosive episode as we explain the historical significance of Rev. 2-3 & apply the warnings to modern events every believer needs to heed NOW! Watch!!! 👇👇👇
#wakeup #PropheticWarning #7churches #revelation
LIVE 7/26/23 8:00pm EST REVELATION REDPILL WED EP22: Unlocking Mysteries of the 7 Churches & Urgent #PropheticWarning for TODAY! Join us for an EXPLOSIVE episode as we explain the historical significance of #Revelation 2&3, applying the warnings to modern events every believer needs to HEED IN THIS HOUR! We'll dive deep into the hidden meanings of the letters written to the #7churches in a way you've never heard. Christ's promises & warnings to the 7 churches were a fantastic shift from how God dealt with his people in the #OldCovenant. Modern #endtimes theology takes away from the beauty and necessity of each Christian to heed the warnings of this book. #postmillenial Watch!!! 👇👇👇
#PropheticWarning #revelation #7churches #OldCovenant #endtimes #postmillenial
LIVE 6/21/23 8:00 pm EST #REVELATIONREDPILL Wed Ep18 When Was the #BookofRevelation Written!? It Changes Everything! Dating the book of #Revelation is key to understanding Biblical #endtimesprophesy. If John wrote his radical expository from the #IsleofPatmos after the fall of Jerusalem in #AD70 then the view that his #prophetic words still need fulfillment has some teeth. However, if John wrote this letter to the #7churches before AD 70, around 64-66 AD, then the Fall of Jerusalem & destruction of the Temple fits perfectly into the #Apocalyptic world John visualizes in his letter. We will take a deep dive into the fascinating internal & external clues: letters, books, and historical facts to see where they lead us. Watch!!! 👇👇👇
#REVELATIONREDPILL #BookOfRevelation #revelation #endtimesprophesy #IsleofPatmos #AD70 #prophetic #7churches #apocalyptic
Is Revelation a blueprint?
Have you heard of the Book of Revelation?
Well, may be aware of it but seldom is it unread or unpacked. I’d like to start with a quote from Luke Timothy Johnson :
“Few writings in all of literature have been so obsessively read with such generally disastrous results as the Book of Revelation.”
(Johnson, TWoNT, p573)
Oh, bit of a
#Lectionary #7Churches #Blueprint #Rapture #Revelation #RevelationChapters1-3
#revelationchapters1 #revelation #rapture #blueprint #7churches #lectionary