Yes, I realize the thousands of comics I left out. It’s #7ComicsToKnowMe , but seven doesn’t really know me that well. I’ll probably do comic strips in a separate post, which in theory at least should be easier. So tell me your favorites.
I saw #7ComicsToKnowMe starting to go around. After laughing at the absurdity of compiling such a list, I thought “oh what the hell it’s a holiday, I’ve got nothing else to do” and so here we are.
1) The Duck stories of #CarlBarks and #DonRosa
2) #DoctorStrange by #SteveDitko and #StanLee
3) #DC #80PageGiant and 100-Page Super Spectaculars which reprinted the best and/or goofiest Silver/Bronze Age tales.
#7comicstoknowme #carlbarks #donrosa #doctorstrange #steveditko #stanlee #dc #80pagegiant #comics #comicbooks
Let's do a #7comicstoknowme
At least I know what to put on No.1:
#TheSandman by Neil Gaiman
#TheCompleteCalvinAndHobbes by Bill Watterson
#Pogo by Walt Kelly
#NewYorkLifeIntheBigCity by Will Eisner
#Gaston by André Franquin
#VaderEnZoon door Peter van Straaten
#TheWizardOfId by Brant Parker and Johnny Hart
Damn, I do have to include this, don't I? So, on No.8:
#Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz
Oh, and it was a toss up between Eisner's New York trilogy and this one:
#vaderenzoon #peanuts #thewizardofid #gaston #newyorklifeinthebigcity #pogo #thecompletecalvinandhobbes #thesandman #7comicstoknowme
#7ComicsToKnowMe (ok, I’m a bit of an Ennis fan)
#BatmanYearOne by #FrankMiller
#Preacher by #GarthEnnis
#PunisherMAX by #GarthEnnis (how good is Mother Russia!)
#FuryMAX by #GarthEnnis
#TheWalkingDead by #RobertKirkman (at least the first 60 or so anyway)
#We3 by #GrantMorrison
#Saga by #BrianKVaughan
#7comicstoknowme #batmanyearone #FrankMiller #preacher #garthennis #punishermax #furymax #thewalkingdead #robertkirkman #we3 #grantmorrison #saga #BrianKVaughan
#7ComicsToKnowMe (ok, I’m a bit of an Ennis fan)
#BatmanYearOne by #FrankMiller
#Preacher by #GarthEnnis
#PunisherMAX by #GarthEnnis (how good is Mother Russia!)
#FuryMAX by #GarthEnnis
#TheWalkingDead by #RobertKirkman (at least the first 60 or so anyway)
#We3 by #GrantMorrison
#Saga by #BrianKVaughan
#7comicstoknowme #batmanyearone #FrankMiller #preacher #garthennis #punishermax #furymax #thewalkingdead #robertkirkman #we3 #grantmorrison #saga #BrianKVaughan
Vagabond - Takehiko Inoue
Akira - Katsuhiro Otomo
Il processo funereo di K - Miki Kusumoto
La città della luce - Inio Asano
Babilon - Danijel Zezelj
Ut - Paola Barbato / Corrado Roi
I miti di Cthulhu - Alberto Breccia
Menzioni speciali:
Bone - Jeff Smith
Sergio Toppi
Letter Bee - Hiroyuki Asada