As it turns out, these do pretty much sum up my personality: #7FilmsKnownToMe 1. Contact 2. Once Upon A Time In The West 3. Batman Returns 4. The Family Stone 5. Terminator 2 6. Moonstruck 7. Six Reasons Why #cinemastodon #movies
#7filmsknowntome #cinemastodon #movies
As it turns out, these do pretty much sum up my personality: #7FilmsKnownToMe 1. Contact 2. Once Upon A Time In The West 3. Batman Returns 4. The Family Stone 5. Terminator 2 6. Moonstruck 7. Six Readons Why #cinemastodon #movies
#7filmsknowntome #cinemastodon #movies
Hmm...this is a hard one but I'll try (no particular order):
1) Adventures of Baron Munchausen
2) Life of Brian
3) What Dreams May Come
4) Oh Brother Where Art Thou
5) Mirrormask
6) Trainspotting
7) Waking Ned Devine
Honorable Mention: Literally any Simon Pegg and Nick Frost buddy comedies & most Madea movies (sorry, not sorry)
Another seven.
The Seventh Seal
The Human Condition (I-II-III)
THX 1138
Star Wars
Dog Day Afternoon
12 Monkeys
Sling Blade
Black Klansman
Pulp Fiction
#7FilmsKnownToMe #7filmstoknowmeby
Let’s do this!
#LotR& #TheHobbit (Extended)
#7filmsknowntome #7filmstoknowmeby #theshapeofwater #deadpoetssociety #thetrumanshow #lotr #thehobbit #memoirsofageisha #amelie #thelifeofpi
1. Forbidden Planet
2. Princess Bride
3. Metropolis
4. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
5. Groundhog Day
6. 12 Angry Men
7. Dark City
Not much of a movie watcher, but here we go:
1) Stalker (1979)
2) Blade Runner
3) Equilibrium
4) Hellraiser
5) Life is Beautiful
6) It's All Gone Pete Tong
7) Robocop
Not much of a movie watcher, but here we go:
1) Stalker (1979)
2) Blade Runner
3) Equilibrium
4) Hellraiser
5) Life is Beautiful
6) It's All Gone Pete Tong
7) Robocop
#7FilmsKnownToMe #cinemastodon #movies
1. Thor Ragnarok
2. Gladiator
3. Titanic
4. Dogma
5. Army of Darkness
6. Lucky Number Slevin
7. Welcome to the Jungle/ The Rundown
#7filmsknowntome #cinemastodon #movies
#7FilmsKnownToMe 🤔 I no particular order since i cannot decide.
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- Galaxy Quest
- Shaun of the dead
- The Princess Bride
- Hot Fuzz
- Idiocracy
- Goonies
Instead of #7FilmsToKnowMe I'm reading it as #7FilmsKnownToMe
Citizen Kane
Die Hard
Office Space
The Matrix
#7filmstoknowme #7filmsknowntome