#7Games to know me
- #CityOfHeroes
- #MagicTheGathering (EDH)
- Dungeons & Dragons (3.5e) #DnD (& #BaldursGate & #NeverwinterNights)
- #SecretOfMana
- #Skyrim
- #Bejeweled Classic
- any #HiddenObject game
#7Movies (series)
- #JurassicPark & World
- #HungerGames
- #TheGamers
- #MortalKombat
(list ends here)
- Disney's #Gargoyles
- #StarTrek (TNG, DS9, VOY, DIS, LD, SNW)
- #Batman the Animated Series
- #TheWheelOfTime
- #IronChef
- The Duchess of Duke Street
- #DowntonAbbey
#mortalkombat #7games #cityofheroes #magicthegathering #dnd #baldursgate #neverwinternights #secretofmana #skyrim #bejeweled #hiddenobject #7movies #jurassicpark #hungergames #thegamers #7shows #gargoyles #startrek #batman #thewheeloftime #ironchef #downtonabbey
7 pt pitch
Mah jong
All the trivia games at once
Color sudoku
Space Team
Duck duck grey duck
7 pt pitch
Mah jong
All the trivia games at once
Color sudoku
Space Team
Duck duck grey duck
1. Minecraft (playing since 2009, modding since 2020)
2. Riven: The Sequel to Myst
3. Lode Runner: The Legend Returns
4. Mass Effect 2
5. Star Control 2
6. Chrono Trigger
7. Superbrothers: Sword & Sorcery
That was hard! I love multiple games in some of these series but I had to pick my favorite entries.
#7Games #Modding #Minecraft #Myst #MassEffect #StarControl2 #ChronoTrigger
#7gamestoknowme #7games #modding #minecraft #myst #masseffect #starcontrol2 #chronotrigger
Super Mario Odyssey
Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Spyro the Dragon
Animal Crossing New Horizons
Pikmin 2
… and many more!
#7Games #Gaming #VideoGames #Pikmin #AnimalCrossing #LegendofZelda #SpyrotheDragon #SuperMario #BanjoKazooie #SmashBros
#7gamestoknowme #7games #gaming #videogames #pikmin #animalcrossing #legendofzelda #spyrothedragon #supermario #banjokazooie #smashbros