@JeriLRyan Hi Jeri. Been a #scifi fan since the early 50's. #startrek is my favorite, #7of9 being my favorite character. #seven elevated #voyager and she absolutely made #picard, Season 3. I was happy to see so many original characters, but your character stood head & shoulders above everyone else. To me, #seven is the #jackbauer of the #startrekuniverse. #picard, Season 3, Episode 10 blew me away. I hope it leads to a sequel: a whole new series starring yourself as the magnificent #seven!
#StarTrekUniverse #jackbauer #picard #voyager #seven #7of9 #startrek #SciFi
#7of9 ist einer meiner Lieblingscharacktere, schau im Anschluss unbedingt noch Picard, ich finde da bekommt ihre Figur die passende Weiterentwicklung. @JeriLRyan spielt großartig.
Wo ich jetzt in Staffel 6 von #StarTrekVoyager angekommen bin:
Nur eine Borg kann den ganzen Tag mit solchen Absätzen durch ein Raumschiff laufen!
#startrekvoyager #7of9 #voyager #startrek
I just had a thought for all you #StarTrek fans out there.
Not sure you've realised this one yet.
There have been 9 ships called Enterprise.
7 of those ships have a prefix after the name Enterprise (A-G) and with the renaming of the Titan at the end of S3 of Picard being the 7th prefix on the 9th ship.
It's fitting that it's captained by 7 of 9.
#startrek #todayilearned #picard #7of9 #enterprise
I Love it, lol. @JeriLRyan
#startrek #jeriryan #7of9 #startrekpicard
I think you should say "Execute"😀 !
Hope to see a new #startrek series with Captain #7of9
"Jeri Ryan, Star Trek actress, accused her ex-husband Jack Ryan, a Republican political candidate, of asking her to perform sexual acts with him in public leading him to withdraw his candidacy and his main opponent, Barack Obama, then won the 2004 US Senate election in Illinois."
#startrek #obama #jeriryan #7of9 #borg #jackryan #illinois #voyager
#startrek #obama #JeriRyan #7of9 #Borg #JackRyan #illinois #voyager
#sciFiMashup #loreMashup #startrek #battlestargalactica #bsg #borg #sevenofnine #7of9 #adama #williamadama #janeway #numbersix #starbuck #borgcube #chakotay #sciencefiction
#startrek #battlestargalactica #bsg #borg #sevenofnine #7of9 #adama #williamadama #janeway #numbersix #starbuck #borgcube #chakotay #sciencefiction #scifimashup #loremashup
#sciFiMashup #loreMashup #startrek #battlestargalactica #bsg #borg #sevenofnine #7of9 #williamadama #janeway #numbersix #starbuck #borgcube #chakotay #sciencefiction
#scifimashup #loremashup #startrek #battlestargalactica #bsg #borg #sevenofnine #7of9 #williamadama #janeway #numbersix #starbuck #borgcube #chakotay #sciencefiction
About Seven of Nines clothes on VOY. They liked to try several colors on her. But..which color you liked the best?
#StarTrek #WeAreStarFleet #StarTrekFamily #StarTrekseries #Voyager #Sevenofnine #7of9 #VOY
#startrek #wearestarfleet #StarTrekFamily #startrekseries #voyager #sevenofnine #7of9 #voy
After something like a year, I have finished #Voyager (I don't get lots and lots of time, too many hobbies, too much work.)
Throughout the series, it was very definitely poised as "a slightly different Star Trek." Our favorite #emh, 7of9, bio-neural circuitry, etc.
It wasn't #TNG but it still had that 90s trek FEEL.
All said, the ending was a bit lackluster and felt a bit like Berman went "Wait! We're not getting a season 8?! Shit.shit.shit."
However it's nice to finally know #7of9's backstory, though it is interesting that I've never seen #Chakotay in offer stuff but 7 is everywhere.
I'm sure it is a #fanservice thing but now I need to know #theRestOfTheStory.
Maybe I'll actually finish #StrangeNewWorlds now. Gotta look and see what other Trek I've not seen and wrap it out.
#voyager #emh #tng #7of9 #Chakotay #fanservice #therestofthestory #StrangeNewWorlds
@JeriLRyan portrayal of Seven is a tour de force & has been since she first appeared on Star Trek Voyager.
25 years later she is better than ever & owning every single scene on Star Trek Picard!
If anyone deserves a spin off show Jeri does!
Seven is a Star Trek icon & Jeri a legend!
#SevenOfNine #StarTrek #StarTrekPicard #StarTrekVoyager #SevenRaffiSpinOff #SpinOff #Seven #7Of9 #FenrisRanger
#sevenofnine #startrek #startrekpicard #startrekvoyager #sevenraffispinoff #spinoff #seven #7of9 #fenrisranger
Just saying……Star Trek Seven has a real nice ring to it! 🖖🏻
#StarTrek #SevenOfNine #Seven #Raffi #StarTrekPicard #SevenRaffiSpinOff #JeriRyan #MichelleHurd #7Of9 #StarTrekSeven #Picard #Trek #Trekkie #SpinOff
#startrek #sevenofnine #seven #raffi #startrekpicard #sevenraffispinoff #JeriRyan #michellehurd #7of9 #startrekseven #picard #trek #trekkie #spinoff