“A big part of making a person sick is neurological — whether they are expressing sympathies or parasympathetic tone. Coffee enemas are a great help, as they stimulate the parasympathetic tone.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

We always promote stimulating the parasympathetics! This not only helps with detoxification, but it also helps with stress & anxiety. Anyone who is experiencing stress or mental health disorders should be consistently stimulating their parasympathetics. When you are constantly in sympathetic tone (fight or flight), your body will not hea.

Learn more about the protocols & practices of a cancer diagnosis with Dr. Conners’ The 7 Phases of Detoxification COURSE!

Visit Courses.ConnersClinic.com to view & purchase our new courses!

#ConnersClinic #nutritiontip #holisticmedicine #alternativecancercoaching #detoxcourse #7phasesofdetoxification

Last updated 1 year ago

“Our parasympathetic nervous system is the nervous system that controls your immune function, & it also controls your digestive & absorption function.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

The parasympathetic nervous system is in charge controlling many important bodily systems. Parasympathetic tone promotes rest & relaxation. Because of this, it also can help with mental health disorders, such as anxiety & depression & also many physical health problems, such as gut health.

Learn more about the protocols & practices of a cancer diagnosis with Dr. Conners’ The 7 Phases of Detoxification COURSE!

Visit Courses.ConnersClinic.com to view & purchase our new courses!

#7phasesofdetoxification #cancercourse #alternativecancercoaching #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“A big part of making a person sick is neurological — whether they are expressing sympathies or parasympathetic tone. Coffee enemas are a great help, as they stimulate the parasympathetic tone.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

We always promote stimulating the parasympathetics! This not only helps with detoxification, but it also helps with stress & anxiety. Anyone who is experiencing stress or mental health disorders should be consistently stimulating their parasympathetics. When you are constantly in sympathetic tone (fight or flight), your body will not heal.

Learn more about the protocols & practices of a cancer diagnosis with Dr. Conners’ The 7 Phases of Detoxification COURSE!

Visit Courses.ConnersClinic.com to view & purchase our new courses!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxcourse #alternativecancercoaching #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“Testing for food antibodies can be an essential step in identifying and healing gut issues.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

Doing genetic testing is always at the forefront of understanding each body specifically. Whether it’s healing gut issues, or finding what helps combat your cancer, your genes can tell us more about how your body detoxifies & what it needs help with.

Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancercoaching #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

Phase 1 of detoxification

In Dr. Conners’ book, The 7 Phases of Detoxification, he talks more about what one may experience in each phase & what should be done to help support the detoxification process, thus eliminating uncomfortable symptoms stemming from these GUT issues.

We have formulated some new products to help support the liver through these 7 phases of detoxification.

Phase 1 is a product that includes lots of nutrients for supporting the liver through the detoxification process.

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download a chapter of this book for FREE!

Check out our products by going to Shop.ConnersClinic.com

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancercoaching #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

a“Bile serves to excrete toxins from the liver, as described, and help rid the body of heavy metals, excess minerals such as copper, zinc, and mercury, and can even function as a binder in the gut.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

Promoting bile pro fiction & bile flow is essential in the detoxification process. Without the use of bile, harmful chemicals & metals cannot be flushed out of the body.

Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancercoaching #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

a“Bile serves to excrete toxins from the liver, as described, and help rid the body of heavy metals, excess minerals such as copper, zinc, and mercury, and can even function as a binder in the gut.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

Promoting bile pro fiction & bile flow is essential in the detoxification process. Without the use of bile, harmful chemicals & metals cannot be flushed out of the body.

Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancercoaching #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“Bile is essential for the complete digestion of fats and, to some extent, it aides in protein & carbohydrate digestion.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

Bile is a necessary component to proper digestion & detoxification. It’s so important for helping relieve frustrating symptoms & side effects from gut related health issues.

Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancercoaching #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“Dandelion is a hepatic antioxidant that stimulates the production of bile & enhances bile flow into the intestine.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

Dandelion is really a hidden gem with its long list of medicinal qualities & its ability to grow in harsh climates of any kind. Dandelion supports the immune system system, acts as an antioxidant, & has many anti-cancer properties. Start foraging for dandelion instead of getting it out of your yard!

Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“Binders, in nutritional-speak, are nutraceuticals that tend to bind to toxins & aide in their removal. They are chelators that don’t absorb, staying in the gut to grab onto poisons & escort them out of the body.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

Knowing more about the process of detoxification is imperative when addressing, not only gut health, but many health conditions. The gut is the first place to look at, whether someone has cancer or autoimmune disorders. Detoxification, or lack thereof, is a huge factor in where someone is in their health journey.

Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“Numerous clinical studies have proven that periodic fasting, done for several consecutive days, is a very powerful intervention that our bodies learned to naturally cope with by protecting & rejuvenating itself.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

Research suggests that periodic fasting can be extremely beneficial for specific individuals with cancer. When fasting, we give the body necessary time to detox & naturally reset itself, which can be healing in many ways.

Like any practice, this can vary from person to person, so we always recommend getting testing by your practitioner.

Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“Today, 90% of several U.S. crops are grown with genetically modified seeds.”

—Dr. Kevin Conners

There is a staggering amount of crops that have been mutilated from their original, God-made form to what they are now. Our food system has been on a downward spiral for quite some time now, & it is so important for the public to be educated on healthy foods.

Genetically modified crops have been studied to show damage in the gut lining. Imagine what they are doing to our bodies over a long period of time, especially having consumed so many GM foods. Do your gut a huge favor & consume organic, non-GMO foods!

Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“Our Parasympathetic system is the neurological control over all our detoxification pathways, our relaxer to our vessel walls that lower blood pressure, our immune system response to pathogens, & our rest & relax to our brain.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

Stimulating the Parasympathetics is the main goal when helping the body detox from pathogens. Keeping the body’s Parasympathetics activated truly helps the healing process, as it supports the immune system & allows the body’s stress level to decrease dramatically.

Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“Allergy to cow’s milk is among the most common hypersensitivity in young children, probably because it is the first foreign protein that many infants ingest in such a large quantity; especially if they are bottle-fed.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

Dairy has become one of the biggest food allergens, as it causes digestive troubles & other uncomfortable symptoms. Dairy contains growth hormone meant for providing a calf needed strength to become a cow.

Dairy is often the first food allergen we find in patients as a clinic, & is usually the first diet change we make for those on their journey to health!

Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

Eliminating toxins with Chela Clear

In our overly toxic modern day world, chemicals can often seem impossible to stay away from. Chela Clear helps rid the body of harmful heavy metals that we are often exposed to on a daily basis

Before considering a chelating agent, please note that your detox pathways must be working properly. There may be defects on specific pathways, & it is imperative to access your genes first before detoxing to avoid further damage!

If you are considering a chelating agent to help reduce your toxic load, check out Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification for much more information on how to reduce toxins in the body!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

Eliminating toxins with Chela Clear

In our overly toxic modern day world, chemicals can often seem impossible to stay away from. Chela Clear helps rid the body of harmful heavy metals that we are often exposed to on a daily basis.

Before considering a chelating agent, please note that your detox pathways must be working properly. There may be defects on specific pathways, & it is imperative to access your genes first before detoxing to avoid further damage!

If you are considering a chelating agent to help reduce your toxic load, check out Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification for much more information on how to reduce toxins in the body!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“Some studies have suggested that pesticides could increase the risk of leukemia, lymphoma, brain tumors, breast cancer, & prostate cancer.”

— Dr. Kevin Conners

There is a crazy amount of foods we ingest on a daily basis that contain a toxic amount pesticides & herbicides. If we continue to eat genetically modified & non-organic foods, this can pose a serious health risk. Studies have already shown the correlation between these toxins & severe illnesses.

Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“Excess estrogen exposure is a worldwide trade that is causing a plethora of problems from cancer to other physical & mental disorders.”

—Dr. Kevin Conners

An increase of estrogen in both men or women can cause severe hormonal imbalances, leading to disorder & disease. An over abundance in estrogen especially has long been an issue & must be addressed by testing.

Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“Testing for food antibodies can be an essential step in identifying and healing gut issues.”

—Dr. Kevin Conners

Gut issues can be a result of many underlying health problems. One huge reason gut issues start to arise is due to food allergies. Food allergies have been on the rise because of the increase in genetically modified foods & processed products. When addressing gut health, it is absolutely necessary to test for intolerances to foods. Identifying allergies can be a game changer to healing gut issues.

Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago

“I would argue that a primary precursor to many diseases & disorders is an elevated stomach pH.”

—Dr. Kevin Conners

Any imbalance in the body can cause problems with immune function or detoxification. However, Dr. Conners often mentions stomach pH as a main issue that leads to more aggressive diseases & disorders.

Learn more about how to heal the gut in Dr. Conners’ new book, 7 phases of Detoxification!

Visit ConnersClinic.com/Detox to download this book for FREE!

#7phasesofdetoxification #detoxification #alternativecancertreatments #holisticmedicine #nutritiontip #ConnersClinic

Last updated 2 years ago