1. Favorite color is purple.
2. Favorite genre of books are historical romance, paranormal romance, suspense/thriller.
3. Favorite music is the hard rock/pop metal sound from the 80s.
4. Favorite types of crafts are quilting and loom knitting.
5. Big fan of scifi on TV but onluy if itโ€™s described.
6. Love animals, especially dogs and horses.
7. Summer is my favorite season.


Last updated 1 year ago

By way of here are
- My username's a portmanteau of my two favorite bands, and I can tie a lot of my interests to one or the other
- I define broadly and love my genres mixed
- I grew up in the and still love the aesthetic
- I like but I LOVE
- I'm an atheist but I try not to be an asshole about it
- I'm not a recent Twitter escapee; I got out of there ages ago
- I dress mostly in black because I'm goth-adjacent

#introduction #7thingsaboutme #horror #80s #paperbacksfromhell #hardcoversfromhell

Last updated 2 years ago