#RPGaDay 19. Favourite PUBLISHED adventure.
Toast of the Town by @SJohnRoss looks good, but I've never run it.
I have run Cat's Eye and High Price of Love, for #DoctorWho and #7thSea respectively, and both are very good.
#RPGaDay 18. Favourite game SYSTEM
I've said before that I'm not very good with favourites, but I do like it when a system invokes the *feel* of the setting.
#StarTrekAdventures and #7thSea both do that well, in my opinion.
#rpgaday #startrekadventures #7thsea
@LeviKornelsen I'm interested in #GM advice (I listen to the #PandasTalkingGames and #HappyJacks podcasts, but would be happy to talk here too).
I'm running and playing #7thSea, and have recently run #StarTrekAdventures and #RisusRPG.
I'd like to run or play #CoyoteAndCrow.
Discussion of any of the above is very welcome.
#gm #pandastalkinggames #happyjacks #7thsea #startrekadventures #risusrpg #coyoteandcrow
@Lizards_cast lots of 2nd ed #7thSea for me.
This afternoon I was GM. The heroes discovered that someone had tried to assassinate a villain who was in Rose & Cross custody. Presumably to stop her talking. They finished the session riding off with her, so that nobody would know where she was, to foil future attempts.
This evening, I was a playing a pirate captain. It finished with my and another characters' spirits separated from our bodies. If they're not rejoined by dawn (3 hours) they die.
@ChaskaTheMagicDog I'm playing in a long-running #7thSea 2ed campaign, and recently started running one too.
Earlier today, we booked an evening to play #AliceIsMissing.
@ersatzmaus @garius @jo_the_hat The #7thSea campaign that I'm currently running has a tavern named The Frog's Carcass because that's all I could think of at the time :)
Mein letztes #WIP US Steuererklärung hat mich unerwartet viel Zeit und Nerven gekostet, aber konnte rechtzeitig vor der Deadline und vor dem Wochenende abgehakt werden. da blieb leider nicht genug Zeit für den Dunes & Disco Jam.
Jetzt geht es erstmal ab nach Ann Arbor Michigan zur ChaosiumCon meine Symphony Familie treffen. 🙌 Ein Wochenende voller #CallOfCthulhu #RuneQuest #7thSea und #BRP
#wip #callofcthulhu #runequest #7thsea #brp
We finished our 7th Sea 2E campaign titled "Blood Sails." The themes were family, politics, manipulation, and the kinds of magic/curses that drive stories in Theah. 7th Sea 2E is a different kind of game, it took a moment to wrap my head around the mechanics. And it took our group a few sessions to get the hang of it. After years... DECADES of playing more mainstream games, the adjustment was real but it was worth it. We had a great storytelling experience and we loved it. #rpg #ttrpg #7thsea
Sooo... During our last session of #7thsea my character, Misericordia, was asked to move on about her grief and mourn of the loss of her loved one...
While being oblivious to the fact that she seems to be followed by "something" (or at least seems to know but never saw it by herself).
And so I had to draw the scene, here it is !
Dritte Edition von #7thSea erscheint laut Chaosium unter der neuen ORC-Lizenz noch in diesem Herbst! Das System soll dann auf BRP basieren und mittelfristig voll kompatibel mit den anderen hauseigenen Systemen wie #Cthulhu, #Runequest, usw. werden. Ein Tie-In zur Cthulhu-Linie sei laut Designer John Wick (ernsthaft!) für den Winter geplant und wird den Namen: "Seas of Darkness" tragen. Geplant ist ein Crossover-Abenteuer auf zwei Zeitebenen in zwei Stilrichtungen ... http://www.chaosium.com/blog/7th-sea-third
I'm opening up shop on #kofi!
You'll be able to get most of my fan-made #CharacterSheet s from my Ko-Fi page for free, as well as other cool stuff that I'm working on.
I have plenty of character sheets to set up in the shop and they are not well organized so it might take a while.
#TTRPG #FanMade #DnD5e #Scion1e #L5R4e #7thSea
#kofi #charactersheet #ttrpg #fanmade #dnd5e #scion1e #l5r4e #7thsea
Did you miss out 7th Sea one-shot last Monday? It's live now on Youtube for you to check out!
Tonight! Kreyorin is coming to terms with the tragic loss of bacon from his life, so we're doing a one shot! We will be trying out #7thSea and running it in Thylea!
Join us at http://twitch.tv/RollforBull tonight at 7pm PST for some adventure on the high seas!
#7thsea #twitch #actualplay #rollforbull
Meet the Chaosium
Community Ambassadors – they are here to help you create and self-publish your own community content #TTRPG releases at DriveThruRPG, for #CallOfCthulhu, #RuneQuest, #7thSea, and (soon!), #Pendragon.
More details at the link:
#ttrpg #callofcthulhu #runequest #7thsea #Pendragon