#Orbital last night at Piece Hall was fantastic. Supported by #808state and #groovearmada
A great night in #halifax
#halifax #groovearmada #808state #orbital
@ellieraeuk Awesome classic #rave megamix by #UtahSaints!🙌 Discovered this via #Altern8 social feed a moment ago. #808State is blasting on my speakers right now🔊. Then I figured I'd see if any of these hashtags have yet been used in the Fediverse😁.
#808state #altern8 #utahsaints #rave
Ken je de cd-serie #TurnUpTheBase nog? De verzamelaars uit de late jaren 80 en vroege jaren 90 leerden een hele generatie kennismaken met #house, #acid, #newbeat en #gabber. Ze vormden het onderwerp voor een liedjes-battle op weblog Ondergewaardeerde Liedjes. Ik koos voor #Cubik van #808State. TA TA TA TA TA: Volgens mij was het brutalisme-architectuur op muziek. Lees alle bijdragen en stem hier:
#808state #cubik #gabber #newbeat #acid #house #turnupthebase
Song of the Day - No 103
808 State - Pacific State
"Pacific" is a single by English electronic music group 808 State, released in 1989. It exists in various mix versions known by different titles, such as "Pacific State" (as included on the Quadrastate mini-album that year) and "Pacific 202" (as included on the album Ninety).
#SOTD #SongOfTheDay #music #808state #ambient #house #ambienthouse
#sotd #songoftheday #music #808state #ambient #house #ambienthouse
Dang, I love this mag:
#808State #AmonTobin #Kraftwerk #Orbital #ElectronicSound #MusicMagazines
#808state #amontobin #kraftwerk #orbital #electronicsound #musicmagazines
January 17th is the 130th anniversary of the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdoms Government.
The Peace march starts at Mauna'ala and will proceed to the Iolani Palace grounds. Come and learn about the unique history of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
#IolaniPalace #Maunaala #PeaceMarch #anniversary #January171893 #hawaii #LegislativeDemocracy #Hawaiiisanationstate #HawaiiisanIndependentState #HawaiiisnotaStateoftheUnitedStates #HawaiianKingdom #hawaiimastodon #FakeState #808State #808StateofMind
#iolanipalace #maunaala #peacemarch #anniversary #january171893 #hawaii #legislativedemocracy #hawaiiisanationstate #hawaiiisanindependentstate #hawaiiisnotastateoftheunitedstates #hawaiiankingdom #hawaiimastodon #fakestate #808state #808stateofmind
Dr. Keanu Sai, first cousin of Keanu Reeves, presenting to the United Nations the true legal status of the Hawaiian Kingdom. #KeanuSai #keanureeves #HawaiianKingdom #unitednations #internationallaw #HawaiiisanIndependentState #HawaiiisnotaStateoftheUnitedStates #councilofregency #hawaii #hawaiian #hawaiimastodon #808State #808StateofMind #kanaka #KanakaMaoli #KanakaOiwi #aloha #alohaaina #kue
#keanusai #keanureeves #hawaiiankingdom #unitednations #internationallaw #hawaiiisanindependentstate #hawaiiisnotastateoftheunitedstates #councilofregency #hawaii #hawaiian #hawaiimastodon #808state #808stateofmind #kanaka #kanakamaoli #kanakaoiwi #aloha #alohaaina #kue
A Guy Called Gerald plays analogue in his studio 'The hard part was getting the machines the talk to each other but that's still not rocket science.
Roland TR-808 + SH-101'
Full - https://youtu.be/sfKzHpsQkxo
#aguycalledgerald #acidhouse #1988 #madchester #manchester #808state
#aguycalledgerald #acidhouse #madchester #manchester #808state
The Evolution of Electronic Dance Music [new book - Graham Massey writes the forward and appears on the cover] https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56269100-the-evolution-of-electronic-dance-music #808State https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1615879282l/56269100.jpg
Pacific 202 by Williams Fairey Brass Band https://open.spotify.com/track/2ntP3a1t9SkEmOLuoWLKfD?si=Nqdk0SX8RCO8UGNGs2V78Q&context=spotify%3Aplaylist%3A37i9dQZEVXcEibqINxsQxx #Cover #808State #BrassBand #Jazzy #MastodonMusic 💙
#MastodonMusic #jazzy #brassband #808state #cover
More about me (#introduction continued?)
#PolycysticKidneyDisease #PKD #BipolarDisorder #ADHD basically a walking mess of #disability and #ChronicIllness
Raised but not born in #Hawaiʻi (#Oʻahu #Honolulu #Mānoa #808State), #UHManoa grad, now living in #Tennessee (#TheNorth?)
#AsianAmerican #ChineseAmerican #JapaneseAmerican #Hawaiian #Indigenous #MixedRace #Hapa
Enough of an #introvert/#ambivert to want to say hi but not necessarily all the time?
#introduction #polycystickidneydisease #pkd #bipolardisorder #adhd #disability #chronicillness #hawaiʻi #oʻahu #honolulu #manoa #808state #uhmanoa #tennessee #thenorth #asianamerican #chineseamerican #japaneseamerican #Hawaiian #indigenous #mixedrace #hapa #introvert
I don't post about food often but kiddo has decided that from now on it should be #PokeMondays Ala #TacoTuesdays quite fast, not super expensive, not much stove time required. Tastes yum. Winning all around! #808state #pokebowls
#pokemondays #tacotuesdays #808state #pokebowls
Morning music. 🎶♬♩🎶🎵
Brings back great memories of dancing at the Fifth Column in Washington D.C.