sometimes I don't understand antennas lol
so, because lawn mowing season is starting soon, I had to move my EFHW out of the way. I was going to take it down, but I decided to put it higher in the tree and wrap it around the one shed (not the hamshack) so it didn't dangle near the ground as before, and I can't believe my SWR on #80m / #FT8 is better than it was before! 😮 lol
After grabbing #Hawaii on #30m / #FT8 this past weekend I now have completed another band with #WAS (Worked All States) digitally:
need to grab #Alaska on #80m / #FT8 sometime and then my next goal is to do the same but via #voice / #SSB an
#ssb #voice #80m #alaska #was #ft8 #30m #hawaii
Meine invL Antenne für 80M war groß genug. Der letzte starke Wind hat ein Verbindungsstück zerbrochen. Habe es jetzt ersetzt mit doppelter Wandstärke. Bin auf die nächste Schwachstelle gespannt. #80m #hamradio #dx #amateurradio
#80m #hamradio #dx #amateurradio
Depends on what you think is 'move on'.
Bullshit bingo on #80m is like:
- any absurd political issue
- complaints about the national ham association and extremely long stories 'why I left'
- working with 750 W between 2 neighbour villages
- 'how I invented the famous XY gadget for <big company> and without me they wouldn't have managed'
-'how I helped Heinrich Hertz discover radio waves'
-'when I made my license it was a real test - not like today'
- OM other than class A are no OM
So, noch gut eine Woche, nämlich am 14.02., oder anders gesagt: am Valentinstag, ist es so weit:
Die erste Ausgabe des #DARC #FT4 #Contest auf #80m startet. Ausschreibung findet ihr unter sowie in der Februar-Ausgabe der CQDL.
Ich freue mich über eure Teilnahme und bin mal gespannt, wieviele Logeingänge wir haben werden 🙂