Retro Librarian · @LibrarianRA
2269 followers · 1095 posts · Server
Parkscope Joe · @ParkscopeJoe
113 followers · 200 posts · Server

Remember when covering the wheels was all the rage? Wild times.


1983 Ford Probe IV Concept

#ford #concept #design #80s #80sdesign #conceptcar #probe #cardesign #car

Last updated 2 years ago

Jamie Bubb · @jamiebubb
6 followers · 16 posts · Server

I'm no fan of film. Why would you put yourself through that elongated & expensive process? However, a few weeks ago I had a weird hankering for my photgraphy roots and managed to track down the first camera my folks bought me for my 15th birthday (1988). It's arrived, it has film in it, I'm excited to use it despite my memories of the annoying shutter lag when trying to shoot skateboarding in Sheffield carparks and subways BITD.

#photography #vintagecamera #80s #80sdesign #filmcanera #35mmfilm

Last updated 2 years ago