From #ArsTechnica: One man’s nearly 40-year, 8-bit quest to finish his teenage Commodore 64 RPG #8bit #C64 #Commodore64 #RetroComputing #80sGames #RPG #CRPG #ComputerRPG #Programming
#programming #computerrpg #crpg #rpg #80sgames #retrocomputing #commodore64 #c64 #8bit #arstechnica
C64: You walk into dungeon room infested with orcs and owlbears. Do you want to fight? Y/N
C64: Do you want to use your +5 Sword of Redemption? Y/N
C64: Your party has just been cut in to tiny pieces and placed in a large, boiling pot.
USER: N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#1980s #80sgames
I'm currently playing #Level9 #interactiveFiction #textAdventure game Knight Orc from 1987. Which feels almost like a #MUD with many autonomous NPCs running around, fighting and grabbing treasure! And has some very unusual command shortcuts, as shown in the image of part of the manual. A very intriguing game. Which can get into unwindable states, like Melbourne House's The Hobbit. But I am very much enjoying it. Will write up more thoughts after. #80sGames #ComputerGames #RetroGaming #British
#british #retrogaming #computergames #80sgames #mud #textadventure #interactivefiction #level9
Browsing the IFDB #InteractiveFiction database and just stumbled again across my own list of my top 10 personal favourite interactive fiction #games. The list is arranged in chronological order, from 1983 to 2017. Some predictable titles in there but also some less familiar ones. I include comments about each one. #TextAdventure #Parser #CreativeWriting #IndieGames #GameDev #Top10 #Infocom #DouglasAdams #Tolkien #Fantasy #CallOfCthulhu #80sGames #90sGames #RetroGaming
#retrogaming #90sgames #80sgames #callofcthulhu #fantasy #tolkien #douglasadams #infocom #top10 #gamedev #indiegames #creativewriting #parser #textadventure #games #interactivefiction