@haitchfive @thomasfuchs I am fortunate that my assembler experiences on the 6502 were much better. I started out by just POKEing my stuff into memory. Later I typed in and used a simple assembler called TinyMON, and finally I wound up using VICMON.

As for hashtags, maybe ?

#mos6502 #retrocomputing #commodore #vic20 #80stech #oldschool

Last updated 1 year ago

Flashback: Ten ’80s tech gadgets that flopped

The '80s had some tech innovation, but it saw its fair share of flops. Here are 10 of the most notable failed tech gadgets from the '80s.



#technews #80s #retrotech #80stech

Last updated 1 year ago

sauldraws · @sauldraws
64 followers · 319 posts · Server jawns.club

Picked up a pair of ‘Realistic Minimus 7’ bookshelf speakers for 5 bucks yesterday - they’re absolutely built like tanks


#thrifting #80stech #retroaudio

Last updated 6 years ago