Randomly recalled a song from my teenhood.
Found a remix.
Now I'm having a dance party in the nifty computerized Batcave. WOO #80sTeen #ScrittiPolitti
If I were to pick ONE music video that encapsulated the 80s for me, believe it or not, it wouldn't be A-ha's Take on Me. Don't get me wrong, it's a timeless, revolutionary video.
But if you want to reflect the cold war, potential nuclear armageddon, and the dawning of the cyberpunk era, this is the one I choose, hands down.
If I were to pick ONE music video that encapsulated the 80s for me, believe it or not, it wouldn't be A-ha's Take on Me.
It would be this bit of post-apocalyptic/cyberpunk joy.
This song MUST be cranked at every playing. MUST.