RT @stephen_quest: Today is #8billionday!
Check out our new
#AtlasOfDemography story: The EU in the world of 8 billion of people ⤵️ https://migration-demography-tools.jrc.ec.europa.eu/atlas-demography/stories/AoD/2/S3.9
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_ScienceHub/status/1592513050799742977
#8billionday #AtlasOfDemography
RT @dubravkasuica: On the occassion of #8billionday we developed with
new story for #AtlasOfDemography: The EU in the world of 8 billion of people
Take a look by clicking here: https://migration-demography-tools.jrc.ec.europa.eu/atlas-demography/stories/AoD/2/S3.9
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_ScienceHub/status/1592493960102305792
#8billionday #AtlasOfDemography
Očekuje se da će danas 🌏 stanovništvo doseći #8billion👨👨👦👦❗
Razumijevanje demografskih promjena 🔑 je za bolje predviđanje učinka demografske tranzicije.
@EU_Commission je zajedno s @EU_ScienceHub 🖊 #AtlasOfDemography 🆕https://europa.eu/!pmP7RR
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1592512752370987009
#8billion #AtlasOfDemography #8billionday #DemographyEU
8 Billion People.
I just can’t wrap my head around that. I know, we’re trying to talk about how strong we are and how good we can be to each other, but I keep thinking of the #climatecrisis and #wealthgap and #biodiversityloss and yet we keep making more people. I want to be proud and strong but I think I’m mostly just worried.
#wealthgap #biodiversityloss #8billionday #8BILLION #climatecrisis
Podatki @EU_ScienceHub kažejo, da je🌍prebivalstvo danes doseglo 8 mrd ljudi.
Rast prebivalstva prinaša priložnosti in izzive. Naš planet lahko tako število ljudi podpira le, če delujemo trajnostno.
Več: https://migration-demography-tools.jrc.ec.europa.eu/atlas-demography/stories/AoD/2/S3.9
#8BillionStrong #JRCintegrates #8billionday
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1592538282910707713
#8BillionStrong #JRCintegrates #8billionday
On the occassion of #8billionday we developed with
new story for #AtlasOfDemography: The EU in the world of 8 billion of people
Take a look by clicking here: https://europa.eu/!pmP7RR
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/dubravkasuica/status/1592461048564846592
#8billionday #AtlasOfDemography