#8BillionPeople on the #Earth and 🤔 it seems on the steady way to the #13BillionPeople 🙈 Poor earth. Still wondering 🤷🏻♀️ why it is not done to talk about reducing birth as a sustainable solution for the earth’s health. Without reducing births it’s mopping with the tap wide open. #ReduceBirthForBeterClimate #ClimateChange #ClimateSollitions #BirthControl #SustainableEarth see link https://www.science.org/content/article/experts-be-damned-world-population-will-continue-rise
#sustainableearth #birthcontrol #climatesollitions #climatechange #reducebirthforbeterclimate #13billionpeople #earth #8billionpeople
RT @PopnMatters@twitter.com
If the 8 billionth child had been born in Qatar, they'd produce 30 tonnes of CO2 annually & it'd require 9 Earths to meet their demand for renewable resources if the entire global population of #8billionpeople consumed at their rate.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PopnMatters/status/1595432309448216576
#8billionpeople #8billionandcounting
The only thing more frustrating than watching someone parallel park badly is watching someone remove snow from their car badly.
Seriously... How did we get to 8 billion people?
The #8billionpeople milestone was announced on 15 November. It has re-opened the old debate on #populationcontrol versus #consumption by the rich and global #inequality - a new paper by William Rees, the father of the #ecofootprint, for @ViennaYearbook@twitter.com, goes beyond the taboos 1/3
#ecofootprint #inequality #consumption #PopulationControl #8billionpeople
As we hit #8billionpeople today please note that:
1) Population will peak & begin to decrease by end of century
2) Reducing consumption in rich countries is a more effective resource management tool than population control
Want to know more? Start here: https://theconversation.com/you-are-now-one-of-8-billion-humans-alive-today-lets-talk-overpopulation-and-why-low-income-countries-arent-the-issue-190907
#8BillionPeople on the #Earth today and 🤔 it seems on the steady way to the #13BillionPeople 🙈 Poor earth. https://www.science.org/content/article/experts-be-damned-world-population-will-continue-rise
#13billionpeople #earth #8billionpeople
RT @SadhguruJV@twitter.com
8000000000! Water, #soil, pollution or biodiversity loss, the fundamental issue is we are too many. To reduce the human footprint, just as we took charge of postponing death, we must postpone birth. -Sg #8BillionPeople
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SadhguruJV/status/1592581861343387651
Hey, the #WorldPopulation reached #8BillionPeople today! 🎊🥳🎉#8Billion #8BillionStrong #8BillionAndCounting #8Billions #Population
#population #8billions #8billionandcounting #8BillionStrong #8BILLION #8billionpeople #worldpopulation
Finally, we are a Family of 8 Billion population
#8billion #8billionpeople #8billionandcounting
#8BILLION #8billionpeople #8billionandcounting #8BillionStrong
8 miljardia ihmistä @🌍 meni rikki tänään #8miljardiaihmistä #8billionpeople
#8miljardiaihmista #8billionpeople
Entro oggi sulla terra saremo 8 miliardi. worldometers.info/world-populati… #popolazione #8billionpeople
RT @fls_news
Ab heute leben #8billionpeople auf dem Erdball. @tonline hat dafür 8 Fakten zur neuen Rekordbevölkerung zusammengetragen. Von @cckohrs & @becke_lisa:
RT @Adam_Kwantowo@twitter.com
Na #kwantowo o tym, że projekt depopulacji chyba nie poszedł tak, jak należy... 🤓
#8billionpeople #nauka
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Adam_Kwantowo/status/1591874035264143361
#kwantowo #8billionpeople #nauka