@frostyfrog I already use #8dollars which is nice and lets me ignore the idiots who are paying. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/eight-dollars/fjbponfbognnefnmbffcfllkibbbobki
:b90gruene: Unser #Mastodon Profil ist ✅ #verifiziert. Hat nicht einmal $8 #8dollars gekostet, sondern erforderte nur das gegenseitige #Vertrauen der beteiligten #Menschen.
#mastodon #verifiziert #8dollars #vertrauen #menschen
Question of the day:
What is the fastest way to burn 44 billion dollars? By having Musk manage Twitter, or by putting it in a shredder directly? #elonmusk #8dollars #bluecheckmarks
#bluecheckmarks #8dollars #ElonMusk
Someone made a Chrome/Edge extension on GitHub called eight-dollars that shows who is really verified and who is an $8 verified sucker. 😜
It works. #Twitter #8Dollars #TwitterBlue
#twitter #8dollars #twitterblue
Not for long. Elon Musk told advertisers that those who aren't #Twitter Blue will have their tweets go to a different part and not discoverable.
" Twitter will eventually default to displaying tweets from #TwitterBlue subscribers, while tweets from users who do not pay for a blue check mark, he said, would be relegated to a separate page on the site and effectively buried unless viewers sought out that material."
#TwitterMigration #Mastodon #8Dollars
#twitterblue #twitter #twittermigration #mastodon #8dollars
If you have $8 to spend well:
#MstdnSocial #8dollars #donate
#Donate #8dollars #MstdnSocial
Curious if my Birdsite account has the $8.00 free speech offer, not that I would do it, and it looks like it is iOS signup only now. lol #Birdsite #BirdsiteBlue #8Dollars
#birdsite #birdsiteblue #8dollars
@polamatysiak Wydaje mi się że tu o to jest łatwiej niż na #twitter bo gdy coś piszę na twitterze, to ani jednego lajka, podaj dalej, o komentarzu już nie wspomnę. Twitter od dawna chyba się zjebał, a gdy #elonmusk go przejął, to nawet nie chce wiedzieć jak się dalej zjebie #8Dollars dobije ten serwis.
A mastodonowi nie wiele brakuje do twittera, no może tylko transmisji na żywo brakuje. Gify, zdjęcia, filmy, a nawet muzykę w mp3 da się do posta wrzucić.
Brakuję mi tylko fediwersowego tiktoka, jakby coś takiego było. to pozamiatane.
[Sarah Mclachlan singing "In the arms of the angel..."]
"Hi, I’m Elon Musk. Every day innocent billionaires are abused, beaten, and need to pay the bills somehow. And they’re crying out for help. For just eight dollars a month, only 26 cents a day, you’ll help rescue Twitter from—"
#parody #twitter #socialmedia #8dollars #elonmusk #birdapp
Sorry, not sorry.
#ElonMusk #Twitter
#EightDollars #8Dollars
#8dollars #eightdollars #Twitter #ElonMusk