#8thNEST "Re-imagining transitions: beyond established methods and concepts" almost over. About 100 young scientist working on #SustainabilityTransitions came to Dresden for inspiring discussions, creative workshops and good food. We're looking forward to next years conference.
#8thnest #sustainabilitytransitions
Starting an arts-based workshop at #8thNEST on justice organised by Astrid Gläsel and Alina Kaltenberg from IOER
Veronica Hector @nicahector from @unihohenheim presenting first insights into the #narratives and #values of actors in the agricultural transition - based on a #SenseMaker study (a tool developed by @snowded and @TheCynefinCo) #sensemaking #agriculture #sustainability #8thNEST
#8thnest #sustainability #agriculture #sensemaking #sensemaker #values #narratives
In his keynote at #8thNEST Martin Savransky from Goldsmiths University London invites us to speculatively reimagine what #SustainabilityTransitions might become. For him speculations is a mode of thought engaging with futures beyond extension of the present.
#8thnest #sustainabilitytransitions
#8thNEST has started. The next two days are dedicated to „Re-imagine transitions: beyond established methods and concepts“ #SustainabilityTransition
#8thnest #sustainabilitytransition
Looking very much forward to the next two days of networking and re-imagining transitions with fellow @transitionsnest #sustainability #transitions researchers at #8thNEST at @IOER_de; big thank you to the organizers and hosts! Lea F. Stöber, @Jnthnfr et al.
#8thnest #transitions #sustainability
Deadline extension: If you missed the deadline to submit your abstract for the #8thNEST Conference 2023, June 30 - July 1 hosted by IOER and DLGS in Dresden Germany, you’re in luck and still have a few days left: https://journals.oru.se/NEST22/index - new deadline: 15 February
#sustainability #sustainabilitytransition #TransdisciplinaryResearch #climatecrisis #researchmethods
#8thnest #sustainability #sustainabilitytransition #transdisciplinaryresearch #climatecrisis #researchmethods
Gentle Reminder: #CallForAbstracts: #8thNEST Conference 2023, June 30 - July 1 hosted by Leibniz-IOER and DLGS in Dresden Germany deadline 31 January / Submit your abstract here:
#sustainabilitytransition #TransdisciplinaryResearch #researchmethods
#callforabstracts #8thnest #sustainabilitytransition #transdisciplinaryresearch #researchmethods