@ProfessorLoki season 5 started monday and so far no mahmoud i'm afraid. i call nicole “mrs. gaga” and she is entirely too cool for anyone on that show.
the story about gabe was extremely powerful though and i have never rooted for a couple on these dumb shows as much as him and isabel. i'm writing a short note to send him about what a great job he did and some other dad stuff that makes me all weepy :joy:
#90dayfiancetheotherway #season4 #transgender #lgbtqia
Sooo. The Other way. Brandon and Mary. That is all. #90dayfiance #otherway #90dayfiancetheotherway
#90dayfiancetheotherway #otherway #90dayfiance
TV TONIGHT (July 10)
#MiracleWorkers #BBQBrawl #BBQUSA #FlipTheStrip #LilJonWantsToDoWhat #PeopleMagazineInvestigates #DarkMarvels #SecretsOfMissAmerica #SecretsOfPlayboy #90DayFianceTheOtherWay #ClaimToFame #TheRising #HomeRunDerby #WeakestLink
#weakestlink #HomeRunDerby #TheRising #claimtofame #90dayfiancetheotherway #secretsofplayboy #secretsofmissamerica #darkmarvels #peoplemagazineinvestigates #liljonwantstodowhat #flipthestrip #bbqusa #bbqbrawl #miracleworkers
#90DayFianceTheOtherWay returns tonight. Don't judge me.
#television #90dayfiancetheotherway
TV TONIGHT (February 5)
#Grammys #RHOP #WorstCooks #MurderInBigHorn #SuperchefGrudgeMatch #1923TV #ProBowlGames #FigureSkating #NASCAR #90DayFianceTheOtherWay #DirtyJobs #HomeTown #TheLastOfUs #YourHonor #MurfTheSurf #AmericanPain #EvilLivesHere
#evilliveshere #americanpain #murfthesurf #YourHonor #thelastofus #HomeTown #Dirtyjobs #90dayfiancetheotherway #nascar #Figureskating #probowlgames #1923tv #superchefgrudgematch #murderinbighorn #worstcooks #RHOP #Grammys
TV TONIGHT (January 29)
#FireCountry #AFCChampionship #NFCChampionship #90DayFianceTheOtherWay #TheLostKitchen #VacationHomeNightmare #CollegeBasketball #FigureSkating #RHOP #WorstCooks #TheLastOfUs #TheWayHome #YourHonor #EvilLivesHere #MayfairWitches
#mayfairwitches #evilliveshere #YourHonor #thewayhome #thelastofus #worstcooks #RHOP #Figureskating #collegebasketball #vacationhomenightmare #thelostkitchen #90dayfiancetheotherway #nfcchampionship #afcchampionship #firecountry