Angela & Michael
Angela is is an abuser just like Ed. Michael seems to have figured things out—he gets a paycheck, never has to appear in front of a “real” camera, and doesn’t have to share physical space with Angela.
#90DayFiance #90DayTheLastResort
#90dayfiance #90daythelastresort
Jovi & Yara
Yara seems to be the most mature, thoughtful, emotionally intelligent person on this show. It makes no sense that she is here, other than she is married to Jovi, who looks and acts like a child trapped in the body of a man with poor taste in sunglasses body.
#90DayFiance #90DayTheLastResort
#90dayfiance #90daythelastresort
Molly & Kelly
Molly and Kelly didn’t get much airtime, and what they did have seemed to boil down to “things bad” so I imagine we’ll plumb the depths of their discord for further drama later down the line.
#90DayFiance #90DayTheLastResort
#90dayfiance #90daythelastresort
Asuelu & Kalani
The whole Asuelu and Kalani situation is a total mess. Kalani has previously shown to have absolutely terrible judgment, but as the seemingly only responsible adult in the “relationship” who is also dealing with unfair gender/power dynamics, she’s doesn’t really need to prove or justify anything. Everybody deserves to feel loved and respected, and based on this brief glimpse, she should cut ties and run.
#90DayFiance #90DayTheLastResort
#90dayfiance #90daythelastresort
some post-episode thoughts:
Ed & Liz
They’re public figures, but I’m not a professional psychiatrist so the Goldwater Rule doesn’t apply—Ed is a total disaster and an abuser. Liz appears to be here for no other reason than for Ed to profit off of her continued victimization.
#90DayFiance #90DayTheLastResort
#90dayfiance #90daythelastresort
"She always brings good vibes and bad vibes."
#90daythelastresort #90dayfiance
TV TONIGHT (August 14)
#90DayTheLastResort #CrimeSceneKitchen #SecretsOfPlayboy #HistorysGreatestMysteries #SolarOpposites #LHHMIA #BelowDeckDownUnder #Futurama #ClaimToFame #AmericanNinjaWarrior #RunTheBurbs #WWERaw #MiracleWorkers #BBQBrawl
#bbqbrawl #miracleworkers #WWERaw #runtheburbs #americanninjawarrior #claimtofame #futurama #belowdeckdownunder #lhhmia #solaropposites #HistorysGreatestMysteries #secretsofplayboy #crimescenekitchen #90daythelastresort