Among all the movies Steven Spielberg has made, "Hook" may be his least favorite. Even when it came out, Spielberg was talking about where things may have gone wrong.
#StevenSpielberg #Hook #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #movienews #Entertainment #Entertainmentnews #Celebrities #Celebrity #celebritynews #celebrityinterviews
#stevenspielberg #hook #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #movienews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrities #celebrity #celebritynews #celebrityinterviews
For Tom Hanks in "Cast Away," it appears the isolation was the easy part. He told us what the most challenging part of the Oscar-nominated role was.
#TomHanks #Castaway #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #movienews #Entertainment #Entertainmentnews #Celebrities #Celebrity #celebritynews #celebrityinterviews
#tomhanks #castaway #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #movienews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrities #celebrity #celebritynews #celebrityinterviews
That Thing You Do! / Dance With Me Tonight
1996 U.S. PROMO 7”
I saw somebody recently post that this entire soundtrack was getting a #vinyl reissue soon, and was reminded that I had the 7” single for it somewhere.
I bought this a looong time ago simply because it’s one of my all time favorite movies, and I love Adam Schlesinger.
None of my #45s are registered on Discogs, so once I found it, was shocked to see it goes for over $100 CAD.
#vinylrecords #90s #90smusic #90smovies
#vinyl #45s #vinylrecords #90s #90smusic #90smovies
Sure, Nicolas Cage and John Travolta were technically the stars of the movie "Face/Off," but Cage thinks director John Woo's work is what made the movie work.
#NicolasCage #JohnWoo #FaceOff #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #movienews #Entertainment #Entertainmentnews #Celebrities #Celebrity #celebritynews #celebrityinterviews
#nicolascage #johnwoo #faceoff #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #movienews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrities #celebrity #celebritynews #celebrityinterviews
When Ben Affleck and Matt Damon wrote "Good Will Hunting," Affleck told us they were determined to also be the movie's stars.
#BenAffleck #GoodWillHunting #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #movienews #Entertainment #Entertainmentnews #Celebrities #Celebrity #celebritynews #celebrityinterviews
#benaffleck #goodwillhunting #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #movienews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrities #celebrity #celebritynews #celebrityinterviews
On August 28, 1998, BASEketball debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s some Trey Parker and Matt Stone art to mark the occasion!
#BASEketball #DavidZucker #MattStone #TreyParker #MattStoneAndTreyParker #SportsComedy #90sMovies #ScrewballComedy #Satire #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#baseketball #davidzucker #mattstone #treyparker #mattstoneandtreyparker #sportscomedy #90smovies #screwballcomedy #Satire #movieart #moviehistory
On August 26, 1994, Natural Born Killers debuted in the United States. Here’s a drawing of Woody Harrelson to mark the occasion!
#NaturalBornKillers #OliverStone #WoodyHarrelson #90sMovies #HorrorMovies #Satire #SplatterFilm #1990s #Movies #Film #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#naturalbornkillers #oliverstone #woodyharrelson #90smovies #horrormovies #Satire #splatterfilm #1990s #movies #film #art #movieart #moviehistory
My ex and I are out at dinner, discussing which 90s movies are required viewing to consider oneself culturally literate and I have JUST NOW DISCOVERED that he has never seen "Demolition Man" and I kind of feel like our entire relationship was a lie.
#90sMovies #Cinema #Movies #Hollywood #SandraBullock #WesleySnipes #Stallone
#stallone #WesleySnipes #sandrabullock #hollywood #movies #cinema #90smovies
The battlefields and fighting of "Saving Private Ryan" were intense and realistic, and sometimes, Tom Hanks found it hard to shake off what he'd seen at the end of each day.
#TomHanks #SavingPrivateRyan #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #movienews #film #entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
#tomhanks #savingprivateryan #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #movienews #film #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
James And The Giant Peach (1996)
#90smovies #animatedmovies #Disneymovies #RoaldDahl
#RoaldDahl #DisneyMovies #AnimatedMovies #90smovies
- Creo que sufre el síndrome napoleónico.
- ¿Qué?
- Complejo de bajito.
"Dollman" 🔫 (1991) de Albert Pyun
#90sMovies #moviequote #scififilm
#90smovies #moviequote #scififilm
August 13 - Gay relative in a movie
The Birdcage (1996) #RobinWilliams #90sMovies
#90smovies #RobinWilliams #bales2023filmchallenge
On August 12, 1994, In the Army Now debuted in the United States. Here’s some original Pauly Shore art to mark the occasion, Buuuuuuh-deeeee!
#InTheArmyNow #DanielPetrieJr #PaulyShore #90sMovies # #WarFilm #CultFilm #ComedyMovie #ActionFilm #SlackerFilm #Art #Drawing #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#inthearmynow #danielpetriejr #paulyshore #90smovies #warfilm #cultfilm #comedymovie #actionfilm #slackerfilm #art #drawing #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
On August 12, 1992, Wayne’s World was released on VHS in the United States Here’s some Dana Carvey art!
#WaynesWorld #PenelopeSpheeris #MikeMyers #ComedyMovies #BuddyComedyMovies #1990s #90sMovies #FanArt #Drawing #CultMovies #MovieArt #Art #Drawing #MovieHistory
#waynesworld #penelopespheeris #mikemyers #comedymovies #buddycomedymovies #1990s #90smovies #FanArt #drawing #cultmovies #movieart #art #moviehistory
.On August 10, 2010, Crumb was released on Criterion Collection DVD. Here’s some original R. Crumb art!
#Crumb #TerryZwigoff #RCrumb #Documentary #UndergroundCartoonist #Cartoonist #CultMovies #DocumentaryFilm #90sMovies #TCMUnderground ##MidnightMovies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#crumb #terryzwigoff #rcrumb #Documentary #undergroundcartoonist #cartoonist #cultmovies #documentaryfilm #90smovies #tcmunderground #midnightmovies #art #movieart #moviehistory
Keanu Reeves and his "Point Break" co-stars had a lot of fun making that movie. So much fun, they nearly got into a lot of trouble.
#KeanuReeves #PatrickSwayze #PointBreak #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #CultClassic #movies #movienews #film #entertainment #entertainmentnews #Celebrity #celebritynews
#keanureeves #patrickswayze #pointbreak #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #cultclassic #movies #movienews #film #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
On August 9, 1996, Trainspotting debuted in the United States. Here’s a portrait of Kelly MacDonald to mark the occasion!
#Trainspotting #KellyMacDonald #DrugMovies #IrvineWelsh #PunkFilm #TransgressiveFiction #BlackComedy #1990s #90sMovies #PenDrawing #FanArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#trainspotting #kellymacdonald #drugmovies #irvinewelsh #punkfilm #transgressivefiction #blackcomedy #1990s #90smovies #pendrawing #FanArt #movieart #moviehistory
Because Jon Favreau wrote the "Swingers" screenplay and starred in the movie, a lot of people assumed it was about him. Those people, he says, are wrong.
#JonFavreau #Swingers #1990s #1990smovies #90s #90smovies #CultClassic #movies #movienews #entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
#jonfavreau #swingers #1990s #1990smovies #90s #90smovies #cultclassic #movies #movienews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
In real life, Alicia Silverstone didn't care for the Cher Horowitz types at her school, but she felt like her "Clueless" character was something different.
#AliciaSilverstone #Clueless #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #movienews #entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
#aliciasilverstone #clueless #90s #90smovies #1990s #1990smovies #movies #movienews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews