10 tv shows to get to know me
There really are so many but some of that are the most important to me (in no particular order)
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Caroline in the City
Remington Steele
Leave it to Beaver
As Time Goes By
Waiting for God
Studio 60
Taskmaster (UK & NZ)
Coronation Street (90s era)
#Taskmaster #TaskmasterNZ #TheDickVanDykeShow #RemingtonSteele #Columbo #LeaveItToBeaver #WaitingForGod #BritishTv #90sSitcoms #Corrie #judiDench #Britcoms
#Taskmaster #taskmasternz #thedickvandykeshow #remingtonsteele #columbo #leaveittobeaver #waitingforgod #britishtv #90ssitcoms #corrie #judidench #britcoms