After years upon years of promised comebacks, an independant game maker decided to stop all the empty promises and just bring back ClayFighter themselves...
#ClayFighterReSculpted #ClayFighter #90sVideoGames #SNES #N64 #BadMisterFrosty #TheBlob #Taffy #IckybodClay #Bonker #BlueSuadeGoo #NanaMan #Hoppy #KungPow #HappyHarryHoungan #SumoSanta #LockjawPooch #DrKiln
#clayfighterresculpted #clayfighter #90svideogames #snes #n64 #badmisterfrosty #theblob #taffy #ickybodclay #bonker #bluesuadegoo #nanaman #hoppy #kungpow #happyharryhoungan #sumosanta #lockjawpooch #drkiln
With the term #asteroid trending, I can only assume that one's heading towards the earth at some point in time in the future...
Hopefully it's made entirely of clay and mutates all of humanity into wisecracking freaks of nature wanting to becoming King of the Circus...
#StuffOnlyIllFindFunny #ClayFighter #90sVideoGames #90s #SNES #N64
#asteroid #stuffonlyillfindfunny #clayfighter #90svideogames #90s #snes #n64
I don't normally enjoy this framing of the topic, but I'm having a weird day, so here goes:
What were some of the worst *retail* DOS games that you have played? And I specifically mean games that one would buy in a big box in a store for $40-60 back in the day.
#DOSGaming #Videogames #PCGaming #80sVideogames #90sVideogames #VideoGameHistory #MSDOS #IBMPC
#dosgaming #videogames #pcgaming #80svideogames #90svideogames #videogamehistory #msdos #ibmpc
I don't normally enjoy this framing of the topic, but I'm having a weird day, so here goes:
What were some of the worst *retail* DOS games that you have played? And I specifically mean games that one would buy in a big box in a store for $40-60 back in the day.
#DOSGaming #Videogames #PCGaming #80sVideogames #90sVideogames #VideoGameHistory #MSDOS #IBMPC
#dosgaming #videogames #pcgaming #80svideogames #90svideogames #videogamehistory #msdos #ibmpc