Among 9/11 memories, I refer you to my 2015 essay Packaged Terror, about how ripples of the attack touched me personally, several states away in New Hampshire.
I'm pretty confident that if you have the time, you'll find it an engaging read.
Had I not lived it, I might doubt some of its details myself, but I quite assure you this is a completely true story. And the take-home message is still very relevant today.
#911day #911NeverForget #911Anniversary #memories #terrorism #terror #politics #essay #ShortStory #history #historical #NineEleven #September11 #NeverForget
#911day #911NeverForget #911anniversary #memories #terrorism #terror #politics #Essay #shortstory #history #historical #nineeleven #september11 #neverforget
For those who are into 9/11 memories today, I refer you to my 2015 essay Packaged Terror, about how ripples of the attack touched me personally, several states away in New Hampshire.
It's such an odd tale that it may seem like fiction. Had I not been there, looking back on text now cold with distance of time, it would seem like that to me had I not lived it. But I quite assure you it's actually true. And it has an important message for all of us.
#911day #911NeverForget #911Anniversary #memories #terrorism #terror #politics #essay #ShortStory #history #historical
#911day #911NeverForget #911anniversary #memories #terrorism #terror #politics #Essay #shortstory #history #historical
Never Forget 11/09/1973
The day when the #usa #bombed the #chile and overthrew a #democracy
Rest in peace Salvador Allende
And I personally promise, that I'll continue research #ProjectCybersyn
#usa #bombed #chile #democracy #neverforget #projectcybersyn #11_9_1973 #9_11 #911Anniversary #911NeverForget
Η τρομοκρατία απειλεί τις δημοκρατικές αξίες των κοινωνιών μας&τα δικαιώματα&τις ελευθερίες όλων των Ευρωπαίων
Καθώς θυμόμαστε τα τραγικά γεγονότα της 11ης Σεπτεμβρίου που έγιναν πριν 21 χρόνια,θυμόμαστε το κρίσιμο έργο μας προς οικοδόμηση γνήσιας #SecurityUnion
RT @MargSchinas: Terrorism threatens the democratic values of our societies and the rights and freedoms of all Europeans.
As we remember the tragic events …
#SecurityUnion #911NeverForget
RT @IDGroupEP: Our thoughts go out to the families of the victims. 🙏🏻 #911NeverForget
11 september. Dat was 21 jaar geleden, maar er is te weinig veranderd. Wij moeten durven zeggen dat de politieke islam onverenigbaar is met onze westerse waarden. Dat we trots zijn op de waarden van de Verlichting en ze willen beschermen, niet alleen promoten.
Terrorism threatens the democratic values of our societies and the rights and freedoms of all Europeans.
As we remember the tragic events of 9/11 that took place 21 years ago, we are reminded of our crucial work to build a genuine #SecurityUnion.
#SecurityUnion #911NeverForget
RT @ManfredWeber: We will never forget and we will never allow terrorism to prevail! It's been 21 years since the 9/11 terror attacks. We have terrible & vivid memories of that horrible day. Our thoughts are with the victims & their loved ones. 🇪🇺🇺🇸 #911NeverForget
RT @IDGroupEP: Our thoughts go out to the families of the victims. 🙏🏻 #911NeverForget
Siempre en nuestra memoria las 3000 víctimas mortales de los atentados terroristas cometidos en Estados Unidos por el grupo terrorista islámico Al Qaeda en la mañana del 11 de septiembre de 2001.
#11Sep #911NeverForget #11S2022
#11Sep #911NeverForget #11S2022
We will never forget and we will never allow terrorism to prevail! It's been 21 years since the 9/11 terror attacks. We have terrible & vivid memories of that horrible day. Our thoughts are with the victims & their loved ones. 🇪🇺🇺🇸 #911NeverForget
RT @EPP: Today we commemorate the victims of the 9/11 terror attacks.
We stand with all those affected by these heinous events.
We will #NeverForget and we will never allow terrorism…
Eine schwerwiegende und falsche Entscheidung hier keinen #PUA einzusetzen und die genauen Hintergründe und Netzwerke hinter diesem grauenvollen Anschlag unaufgeklärt zu lassen. #911NeverForget
RT @FlorianFlade
Am #September11 2001 wurden bei Terroranschlägen in den USA rund 3000 Menschen ermordet. Einige der Attentäter hatten zuvor in #Hamburg gelebt, waren den Behörden hinlänglich bekannt. Und doch gab es dazu hierzulande nie ei…
#PUA #911NeverForget #september11 #hamburg