tolortslubor · @tolortslubor
269 followers · 2906 posts · Server

"22 years later, justice and information remain elusive for thousands of 9/11 victims and their families ... Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the lead defendant and alleged 9/11 mastermind, and his capital case co-defendants have never been brought to trial before the Military Commission in Guantanamo that’s hearing their case – nor have they been allowed to speak publicly about what they know" #911

#911commission #sept11attacks #sept11 #september11

Last updated 1 year ago

tolortslubor · @tolortslubor
265 followers · 2922 posts · Server

"Congress’ 9/11 [Joint] Inquiry had reported information that one of the alleged intelligence officers was an extremist and supporter of . In addition, that he and his wife had received ... $74,000 from Prince Turki’s sister, Princess Haifa, and her husband, Ambassador . had previously publicly defended his sister’s actions. Again, though, nothing in the notes released last week indicate that he was questioned about this."

#911commission #turki #bandar #osamabinladen #saudi

Last updated 1 year ago

tolortslubor · @tolortslubor
250 followers · 2960 posts · Server

"The new accounts, mostly obtained during interviews in 2016 and 2018, flesh out that narrative. They also support the ominous theory, never fully explored by either the 9/11 Commission or Congress, that the CIA kept silent because it was secretly working hand in glove with its Saudi Arabian counterpart to recruit Hazmi and Mihdhar as informants."


#dickcheney #georgewbush #saudiarabia #911commission #sept11 #fbi #cia #conspiracy #almihdhar #alhazmi #september11

Last updated 2 years ago

tolortslubor · @tolortslubor
201 followers · 2187 posts · Server

@statmonkey @EarthOne was charged by law with doing a full investigation. They deliberately gave a pass to , and .
These agency heads should’ve rolled for failing to predict and prevent , and the IG’s for cover ups. Instead, like the , no real transparency or accountability, just more resources for draconian surveillance n security

#911commission #January6 #fbi #secretservice #dod #january6committee

Last updated 2 years ago

tolortslubor · @tolortslubor
151 followers · 1771 posts · Server

@statmonkey PS Like the report, it seems some of the most important info may be buried in the endnotes. Acting Def Sec should be under criminal investigation. Bowser and MPD requested but Army Sec and Miller slow-walked and balked, documented but glossed over by

#January6thCommittee #ryandmccarthy #dcnationalguard #chistophermiller #January6 #911commission

Last updated 2 years ago

tolortslubor · @tolortslubor
147 followers · 1711 posts · Server

@jimstewartson Correct me if I'm wrong, but the hearings/report have had minimal/zero focus on the 'failures' by , and other mil n law enforcement principals who could and should've done something before and on but instead did nothing and/or obstructed those trying to defend the and the ?

So is the January 6 Cmte an whitewash coverup like the ? Did they to hang ?

#Trump #LIHOP #911commission #establishment #constitution #unitedstates #January5 #christopherwray #CharlesFlynn #January6thCommittee

Last updated 2 years ago

tolortslubor · @tolortslubor
108 followers · 1219 posts · Server

Olbermann: "Bush lied (5:38) about the August 6 President's Daily Briefing (6:58) Bush lied about the only threats being "overseas" (7:53) Bush lied about Al-Qaeda cells in the U.S. (8:23) Bush lied about aircraft as missiles (8:57) Bush lied about being warned about domestic threats (9:30) Bush lied about George Tenet never warning him (10:00) Bush lied about never being told how Al-Qaeda would attack (14:28)"

#alqaeda #911attacks #georgewbush #georgebush #911commission #keitholbermann

Last updated 2 years ago

tolortslubor · @tolortslubor
108 followers · 1219 posts · Server

Olbermann: "Three weeks ago - so quietly it has barely been noticed - the government declassified the 31-page "memorandum for the record" of the 9/11 Commission's 2004 interview with President George W. Bush (2:20) In it, Bush's words are beyond damning - they are confessional. They confirm his dereliction of duty, his culpability, his malfeasance, in the months before 9/11."

#911attacks #dickcheney #georgewbush #georgebush #911commission #keitholbermann

Last updated 2 years ago

tolortslubor · @tolortslubor
108 followers · 1219 posts · Server

"... its bipartisan mandate and the looming presidential election. Still, when set beside the newly declassified memo, their official version of history as described by the 9/11 Commission Report feels incomplete, and sanitized. What's missing from the report and captured by the new memo is Bush's defensiveness, and his persistent attempts to minimize the warnings he got from Tenet and the CIA." #911

#cia #dickcheney #georgewbush #911commission #911attacks #september11

Last updated 2 years ago

Lawfare · @lawfare
6492 followers · 86 posts · Server

The declassified notes of the interview that then-President George W. Bush and then-Vice President Dick Cheney gave to 9/11 Commission members on April 29, 2004. The interview summary details Bush and Cheney’s thought processes behind decisions made before, during, and after the 9/11 attacks.

On site with summary:


#usgovernment #us #counterterrorism #911commission

Last updated 2 years ago