@911tvnews Let's be honest, #FOX programming hasn't been great as of late, all they had was #911onABC, #911onFOX, and maybe #LegoMasters and #TheMaskedSinger.
#fox #911onABC #911onfox #legomasters #themaskedsinger
@911tvnews Weird that #911onABC is choosing to go by #911onFOX on #Threads...
@911tvnews Pretty ambitious in hindsight.
The acting in #911onFOX is good; but it ain't THAT good.
@911tvnews The strange thing about this to me is, the rest of #911onFOX S06 has already been shot and produced. No doubt they could easily make promos for future episodes.
Perhaps they're delaying future airings? #FOX tends not to air #911onFOX promos until at most two weeks before the episode airs.
Sidebar: With the #WGA #WritersStrike, it'd be interesting to see if #FOX wants to save those episodes for later, when they'll need the ratings deep into the strike.
#911onfox #fox #wga #writersstrike
9-1-1: 7. Staffel bestellt und Senderwechsel zu ABC #911onABC #911onFox
@Marbleturtle @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world #Deadline cited a lack of ownership over #911onFOX and it makes sense. The winners are not those who air the most or best content, but those who produce the most or best content, which is why the winners nowadays really are studios who produce the most popular procedurals and sitcoms.
@Marbleturtle @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world The wierdest thing to me is that #ABC is picking it up for S07. All the writing so far has made it seem like they have been priming #911onFOX for a proper ending
@Marbleturtle @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world I was literally about to say something because #911LoneStar got renewed with no news of #911onFOX getting renewed as well
@Marbleturtle @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world Wait #911onFOX is actually ending?
@NeonPurpleStar yeh. Feels like stealing to me though, and my parents got spooked once when the #ISP sent them a scary email when I used torrents to download seasons of #911onFOX and #Succession after buying copies on #iTunes lol, I'm 100% off of piracy at the moment
#isp #911onfox #Succession #itunes
9-1-1 star Oliver Stark details Buck’s evolving view of relationships after that brush with death, explaining how his character has changed. #911onfox #buddie
TV TONIGHT (April 24)
#PerryMason #RainDogs #MeanGirlMurders #LuxeForLess #MostExpensivest #AmericanIdol #TheVoice #911onFOX #AllAmerican #YouMeAndMyEx #WWERaw #BasketballWives #SpringBakingChampionship #SummerHouse #NBA #NHL #ATLHomicide #StreetOutlaws
#streetoutlaws #atlhomicide #nhl #nba #SummerHouse #springbakingchampionship #basketballwives #WWERaw #YouMeAndMyEx #allamerican #911onfox #thevoice #americanidol #mostexpensivest #luxeforless #meangirlmurders #RainDogs #PerryMason
Wendall was surprised this man proposed four episodes later... #BobbyNash #AthenaGrant #Bathena #911onFox
#bobbynash #athenagrant #bathena #911onfox
US-Quoten: 9-1-1 und Lone Star mit neuen Rekordtiefen bei FOX #USQuoten #911onFOX #911LoneStar
#911LoneStar #911onfox #usquoten
TV TONIGHT (April 17)
#SplitSecond #LoveItOrListIt #YouMeAndMyEx #LoveInParadise #LaFrontera #AmericanIdol #ThatsMyJam #911onFOX #AllAmerican #SummerHouse #WWERaw #BasketballWives #PerryMason #MeanGirlMurders #HistorysGreatestMysteries #ATLHomicide
#atlhomicide #HistorysGreatestMysteries #meangirlmurders #PerryMason #basketballwives #WWERaw #SummerHouse #allamerican #911onfox #thatsmyjam #americanidol #lafrontera #loveinparadise #YouMeAndMyEx #loveitorlistit #splitsecond